全国: | 上海:
    用途 巡游
    甲板布局 高台驾驶室
    船舱数量 未指定
    材料 未指定
    其他特性 定制
    长度x宽度 42.9 m (140'08")x8.6 m (28'02")


CdM很高兴地宣布出售DEEP BLUE 43,这是一艘由Horacio Bozzo Design设计的全新的、完全定制的43米探险游艇。

DEEP BLUE 43是该船厂非常活跃的订单册中的最新成员。合同已于去年12月签署,最新项目的细节已在过去几周确定。该游艇已经开始建造,将于2021年交付。

作为一个纯粹的定制游艇,DEEP BLUE 43将充分利用CdM的经验和它的游艇建造方法,这已被证明是非常成功的,对所有参与的部分都有好处。DEEP BLUE 43是由一位经验丰富的船东委托建造的,在过去的几年里,他拥有的游艇是由Feadship, Lürssen, Blohm and Voss等船厂建造的。他是CdM的忠实客户,这个船厂获得了他的充分信任,他享受了达尔文102号在地中海巡航的舒适和安全的感觉,同时也在太平洋和大西洋的广阔海域航行,到达偏远地区的野生美景和世界上最好的潜水点。

"CdM的联合创始人兼销售和市场总监Vasco Buonpensiere说:"我对这一里程碑式的销售感到高兴和自豪。"这位业主对CdM的信任让我们感到无比自豪。这是对我们的游艇和我们这个团队的赞赏,我们一直致力于让船东满意。我们跟踪项目的每一步,从A到Z,从第一阶段到整个项目开发、建造过程、交付和事后。


CdM is delighted to announce the sale of DEEP BLUE 43 a new, fully custom 43-metre explorer yacht designed by Horacio Bozzo Design.

DEEP BLUE 43 is the lat­est ad­di­tion to the yard’s sig­nif­i­cantly ac­tive Or­der Book. The con­tract has been signed last De­cem­ber and the lat­est pro­ject’s de­tails have been de­fined in these last few weeks. The yacht is al­ready un­der con­struc­tion with de­liv­ery due in 2021.

A pure cus­tom yacht, DEEP BLUE 43 will take full ad­van­tage of CdM’s ex­pe­ri­ence and its ap­proach to yacht build­ing that has proven be­ing ex­tremely suc­cess­ful and re­ward­ing for all parts in­volved. DEEP BLUE 43 has been com­mis­sioned by an ex­pe­ri­enced Owner who, in the past years, owned yachts built by ship­yards such as Fead­ship, Lürssen, Blohm and Voss. He is a re­peated client for CdM, a yard which gained his full con­fi­dence hav­ing en­joyed the feel of com­fort and safety of his Dar­win 102 cruis­ing in the Med but also sail­ing the ex­panses of the Pa­cific Ocean, the At­lantic and reach­ing the wild beauty of re­mote des­ti­na­tions and the best div­ing spots in the world.

“I am de­lighted and proud with this mile­stone sale,” Vasco Buon­pen­siere, CdM’s co-founder and Sales & Mar­ket­ing Di­rec­tor, says. “The trust this Owner con­firmed in CdM gives us the high­est rea­son of pride. It is a state­ment of ap­pre­ci­a­tion for both our yachts and our­selves as a team al­ways com­mit­ted to the Owner’s sat­is­fac­tion. We fol­low each and every step of the pro­ject from A to Z, from phase 1 through­out the pro­ject de­vel­op­ment, build­ing process, de­liv­ery and af­ter­wards,