全国: | 上海:
    用途 巡游
    风格 拖网渔船
    甲板布局 封闭飞桥
    船体类型 排水船体
    长度 36.75 m (120'06")


LOA 120 ' 7”

LWL 108 ' 4”

射线27 ' 11”

草稿9 ' 0”

位移848,944 lbs。

在机上最宜的设计、先进的工程学和宽敞,豪华的生活视觉,新的Nordhavn 120召唤认为世界他们的操场和海洋的那些人,家。

美丽和光滑,并且大和强壮, N120温文地运载所有者和八个客人,沉溺他们与宽敞和丰厚。 对于四个甲板、四个特大客房和一个非常着急的所有者的随员,她也许确实被认为一艘个人豪华远洋班轮。

使用仅最美好的硬木和结束,内部的其中每一可以被定做到她的所有者的愿望。 并且Nordhavn将严密地运作与客户的个人设计师保证高雅渴望的确切的程度将是满意的。

但是N120的真正的秀丽是她被修造处理海以及她处理她的客人。 海军建筑师杰夫Leishman做了她的水线长度一sweetspot根据波浪期间,并且这样做,做长的段落非常舒适的经验。


LOA 120’ 7”

LWL 108’ 4”

Beam 27’ 11”

Draft 9’ 0”

Displacement 848,944 lbs.

A vision of optimum design, advanced engineering and spacious, luxurious life onboard, the new Nordhavn 120 beckons those who consider the world their playground and the ocean, a home.

Beautiful and sleek yet big and brawny, the N120 gracefully carries the owners and up to eight guests, indulging them with spaciousness and richness. With four decks, four king-sized guest suites and a tantalizing owners’ suite, she may rightly be considered a personal luxury ocean liner.

Using only the finest hardwoods and finishes, each interior can be customized to her owners’ wishes. And Nordhavn will work closely with a client’s personal designer ensuring the exact degree of elegance desired will be satisfied.

But the real beauty of the N120 is that she is built to handle the seas as well as she handles her guests. Naval architect Jeff Leishman has made her waterline length a sweetspot in terms of wave period, and in doing so, makes long passages a very comfortable experience.