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    用途 巡游
    风格 拖网渔船
    甲板布局 舵手室
    船体类型 排水船体
    长度x宽度 22.55 m (73'11")x16'01" (4.9 m)
    总吨位 129,000 lb (58,513.4 kg)
    巡航速度 9.5 kt
    最大速度 13.5 kt
    燃料容量 4,000 gal
    淡水容量 575 gal


凭借其令人印象深刻的范围、卓越的强度、美丽的风格和世界一流的安全性,Passage Maker 74被创造出来,为那些寻求有吸引力的海上家园的人提供强大的价值和自豪感。

由著名的海军建筑师Chuck Paine设计,Passage Maker 74继承了Kanter Marine设计的一系列非常成功的Pain-designed铝合金机动船。她的设计是为了提供1800英里(百慕大到亚速尔群岛)的远洋航程和储备,即使在她的最高速度下也有适度的燃料消耗,以及适度的吃水。

高效的性能是由前部的圆舭过渡到后部的脊柱所保证的,它有一个单一的喷栏和一个相对较高的棱镜系数0.67。全长的龙骨可以保护螺旋桨和船舵。鉴于全长龙骨的存在,仅有5英尺2英寸的适度吃水是非常合理的,以减少搁浅的风险并抑制游艇在海路上的滚动。铝合金焊接结构使其具有令人印象深刻的强度和适度的轻量,这增加了Passage Maker 74的效率,以最大限度地提高可用的范围和最高速度。

Passage Maker 74的水箱提供4000加仑的燃料容量和575加仑的淡水容量。这些水箱都是整体的,为船体提供了进一步的结构强度,并在它们出现的地方形成一个双层底部。废水箱和灰水箱是可拆卸的结构。按照规定,如果以9至10节的速度行驶,Passage Maker 74可以通过百慕大/亚速尔群岛航线进行跨大西洋航行,这取决于风和水流条件。


With her impressive range, exceptional strength, beautiful sense of style and world-class safety, the Passage Maker 74 was created to provide strong value and pride of ownership to those seeking an attractive seagoing home.

Designed by noted naval architect Chuck Paine, the Passage Maker 74 follows on the heals of a series of highly successful Paine-designed aluminum-alloy motor craft created by Kanter Marine. She was created to offer an ocean-going range of 1,800 (Bermuda to the Azores) miles plus reserve, modest fuel consumption even at her top speed as well as moderate draft.

Efficient performance is insured by the round-bilged forward bottom, transitioning to a chine aft, with a single spray rail and a relatively high prismatic coefficient of 0.67. A full-length keel protects the propeller and rudder. The modest draft of just five feet, two inches is very reasonable given the presence of a full-length keel to reduce the grounding risk and dampen the yacht’s roll in a seaway. Welded aluminum construction makes for impressive strength and moderately light displacement, which increases the Passage Maker 74’s efficiency in order to maximize the usable range and top speed.

The Passage Maker 74’s tanks provide 4000 gallons of fuel capacity and 575 gallons of fresh water capacity. These tanks are all integral, lending further structural strength to the hull and forming a double bottom wherever they occur. The waste and gray water tanks are of removable construction. As specified, the Passage Maker 74 has transatlantic range via the Bermuda/Azores route if driven at a speed of 9 to 10 knots, depending upon wind and current conditions.