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    用途 巡游
    风格 拖网渔船
    甲板布局 飞桥, 高台驾驶室
    材料 铝制
    长度x宽度 18.92 m (62'00")x18'04" (5.6 m)
    总吨位 99,400 lb (45,087.1 kg)
    巡航速度 10 kt
    最大速度 12 kt
    燃料容量 2,800 gal
    淡水容量 500 l (132 gal)



秉承这一优良传统,坎特公司自豪地推出了Passage Maker 62 Pilothouse Motoryacht:这是一个家庭或两对夫妇将目光投向远方的完美选择。无论是停靠在码头,在岛屿之间跳跃,还是在大陆之间巡航,坎特62的高效和可靠的性能以及她永恒的轮廓将成为未来几年的骄傲和乐趣的来源。

由世界知名的海军建筑师查克-佩恩设计,Passage Maker 62具有相同的实质性结构和坚固的材料,使海岸警卫队的船只能够经受自然界中一些最激烈的条件。高强度的焊接铝制船体被广泛认为提供了终极的防漏强度,当你和安全港之间有数英里的海面时,这是质量的保证。低阻力的船体使两次加油之间的行程长达3100英里,使欧洲经百慕大-亚速尔群岛到达北美洲的距离很近。Passage Maker 62为巡航安全而建造,为舒适和风格而安装,代表了机动游艇传统的巅峰。

Passage Maker 62的轮廓是由葡萄牙桥后面的永恒的高架驾驶室主导的。这种设计--在坎特的Passage Maker 54中成功开创--被进一步完善,以充分利用无与伦比的优势。


Kanter Yachts has a history of building robust power craft including constructing search-and-rescue craft for the Coast Guard. Unwavering commitment to dependability is the hallmark of a Kanter yacht. No less demanding is the attention to fine detail in interior appointments. Every component is specifically selected to enhance the cruising and live-aboard experience.

In keeping with this fine tradition, Kanter is proud to present the Passage Maker 62 Pilothouse Motoryacht: the perfect choice for a family or two couples with sights set on distant horizons. Whether docked, hopping between islands or cruising between continents, the Kanter 62’s efficient and dependable performance and her timeless profile will be a source of pride and pleasure for years to come.

Designed by world-renowned naval architect Chuck Paine, the Passage Maker 62 features the same substantial construction and rugged materials that allow Coast Guard craft to weather some of the most violent conditions in nature. The high-strength welded aluminum hull is widely accepted as providing the ultimate in leak-proof strength, an assurance of quality when miles of sea lie between you and safe harbour. A low-drag hull enables trips of up to 3,100 miles between fuelling, putting Europe within easy reach of North America via Bermuda-Azores. Built for cruising safety and fitted for comfort and style, the Passage Maker 62 represents the pinnacle of motor-yachting heritage.

The Passage Maker 62’s profile is dominated by the timeless raised pilothouse behind a Portuguese bridge. The design – successfully pioneered in Kanter’s Passage Maker 54 – is further refined to take full advantage of the unparalleled