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    用途 巡游
    甲板布局 飞桥
    船舱数量 未指定
    材料 铝制
    长度 22 m (72'02")



尽管快速移动的游艇有丰富的可供选择,但一艘精美的流线型游艇,以满足当今关键消费者的需求,直到现在,荷兰还不是游艇建造的一个特点。 Sossego 游艇的精神父亲和建设者范德瓦尔克 Maritiem 更有理由联系设计专家穆尔德设计谁为索塞戈生产线的初始设计。 随后,它由 Gebroeders van Enkhuizen 设计,谁专注于设计师游艇建造,这使得这一胜利成为一个合乎逻辑和高度成功的组合。

索塞格游艇 Sossego 游艇的精髓

Sossego 游艇的精髓是一系列快帆铝合金机动游艇,范围从 22 米到 30 米,完全由荷兰制造。 荷兰游艇制造业在国际上享有良好的声誉,并且是世界领导者之一。 它以其高水平的工艺、创新和卓越的专业知识而闻名。 游艇中使用的材料和设备具有极高的质量。

索塞戈舒适 22

你喜欢速度,但不想失去舒适度? 然后 THI 是您的理想游艇。 它在水面上有独特的存在,无论是在地中海还是在北欧水域。 我们的一位客户曾经将 Sossego 舒适 22 描述如下:“看起来好像其优雅的外观与其周围环境调情一样”。


It all starts with a brilliant idea

Even though fast-moving yachts are available in abundance, a beautifully streamlined yacht geared to the requirements of today’s critical consumers was not until now a feature of yacht building in the Netherlands. All the more reason for Van der Valk Maritiem, the spiritual father and builder of Sossego Yachts, to contact design specialists Mulder Design who produced the initial design for the Sossego line. Subsequently, it was engineered by Gebroeders van Enkhuizen, who focuses on designer yacht construction, which makes this triumvirate a logical and highly successful combination.

The essence of Sossego Yachts

Sossego Yachs is a line of fast sailing aluminium motor yachts in a range from 22 to 30 meters, entirely made in the Netherlands. The Dutch yacht building industry has an excellent reputation internationally and is up there amongst the world leaders. It is known for its high level of craftsmanship, innovation and exceptional expertise. The materials and equipment used in the yachts are of exceptionally high quality.

Sossego Comfort 22

Do you like speed but do not want to lose out on comfort? Then thi is the ideal yacht for you. It has a unique presence on the water, whether it be in the Mediterranean or in North European waters. One of our clients once described the Sossego Comfort 22 as follows: ‘It seems as if its elegant appearance is flirting with its surroundings’.