全国: | 上海:
    用途 包船租赁, 钓鱼运动
    甲板布局 飞桥
    船体类型 滑行船身
    其他特性 定制
    长度 16.15 m (52'11")


无论您是在寻找完美的包船或只是寻找你的梦想船... 别再看了 我们的牛顿 53 '运动鱼只是正确的船只,一定要取悦大家! 拥有约 700 平方英尺的甲板空间,有足够的空间来定制以满足您的需求。 这艘船可以配备一个一体式潜水、浮潜、钓鱼和观鲸包机,并提供许多可选的附加服务。

我们为世界各地的 Charter 船长制造了这种模型,其速度快、耐久性、重量减轻、机动性和客户舒适性具有丰富的机舱设施、可靠性和安全选项,备受赞誉。


我们现有的机舱布局是倾听客户意见并应用我们所学到的知识的结果,易于维护是一个关键问题。 拥有动力总成所有关键部件的完全可访问性至关重要。

我们现有的机房布局是倾听客户意见并运用我们学到的知识的结果。 这只是产生赢家所需的一小部分。 通过我们的双气升式发动机舱口,可以完全访问两台发动机,定期进行维护是一次轻松的操作。 无需拆卸发动机舱口组件的任何部件,即可完全拆卸任一发动机。


Whether you are looking for the perfect Charter boat or just looking for your Dream boat... Look no further. Our Newton 53' Sport Fish is just the right vessel that is sure to please everyone! With approx. over 700 square feet of deck space there is plenty of room for customizing to fit your needs. This vessel can be fitted for an all-in-one diving, snorkeling, fishing and whale watching charter with many optional extras.

We have built this model for Charter Captains all over the world with the highest of praises for it's speed, durability, weight reduction, maneuverability, and customer comfort with it's ample cabin amenities, reliability, and safety options.

Your patrons will keep coming back for more!

All Charter operators will agree that ease of maintenance is a crucial issue. Having complete accessibility to all critical components of the power-train is essential.

Our existing engine room layout is the result of listening to our customers and applying what we learned. This is only a small part of what it takes to produce a winner. With FULL access to both engines through our double, gas lifted engine hatches, performing regular maintenance is a snap. Complete removal of either engine can be accomplished without removing any parts of the engine hatch assemblies.