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16人内饰奢华硬顶IPS POD巡游机动游艇(动力十足)
    用途 巡游
    甲板布局 硬顶
    船舱数量 3舱, 2舱
    床位数量 7舱位, 4铺位
    材料 未指定
    长度x宽度 15.64 m (51'03")x
    4.3 m (14'01")
    吃水深度 1.18 m (3'10")
    巡航速度 32 kt
    访客人数 16 人
    燃料容量 1,309 l (346 gal)
    淡水容量 482 l (127 gal)



Targa 50 GT是一个充满活力的灵魂,它的目标是冒险。但这并不意味着你不能拥有你所期望的Fairline的所有豪华触觉。在内部,美丽的橡木地板、卡拉拉白工作台面和镶嵌物以及100%新西兰羊毛麻花地毯。在外面,一个引人注目的烟灰色的屋顶,确保这艘机动游艇是真正的美丽。

无论你想做什么,Targa 50 GT都是你要做的机动游艇。它的双沃尔沃IPS发动机,有600、650或700发动机可供选择,只等你一声令下,不管是让你迅速到达你选择的目的地,还是只是巡航一段时间。而我们新的高级套装选项为任何体验锦上添花,它有一系列的设备,包括潜水洗浴平台、带烤架和水槽的湿酒吧以及带蓝牙连接的融合娱乐系统。无论你决定去哪里,乐趣都属于你。





There is no greater thrill than introducing a new Fairline to an already appreciative audience. Because this is a motor yacht where you will discover power, luxury and pure joy in one perfectly designed place.

The Targa 50 GT is a spirited soul with adventure in its sights. But that doesn’t mean you can’t have all the luxurious touches you would expect from a Fairline. On the inside, beautiful oak flooring, Carrara white worktops and inlays and 100% New Zealand wool twist carpets. And on the outside, a striking anthracite coloured roof, ensuring this motoryacht a thing of true beauty.

Whatever you want to do, the Targa 50 GT is the motor yacht to do it in. Its twin Volvo IPS engines, available in 600, 650 or 700 engine options, are just waiting for you to say the word, whether it’s getting you swiftly to your destination of choice, or just cruising for a while. And adding to any experience is our new Premium Pack option, with a range of equipment including a submersible bathing platform, a wet bar with griddle and sink and a Fusion entertainment system with Bluetooth connectivity. Wherever you decide to go, the fun is all yours.

nterior décor

A colour palette where land meets the sea, effortlessly combined with rich natural textures.

Whether you choose a scheme that exudes sunny warmth synonymous with fragrant Italian lemon trees, or an ode to the sea where all manner of deep, oceanic blues tastefully swirl with muted greys; you are sure to discover an interior design collection that evokes charm and elegance.