全国: | 上海:
    用途 巡游
    甲板布局 硬顶
    船舱数量 4舱
    床位数量 8铺位
    长度x宽度 24.82 m (81'05")x6 m (19'08")
    吃水深度 1.9 m (6'02")
    船员人数 8 unit
    燃料容量 10,200 l (2,695 gal)
    淡水容量 800 l (211 gal)


屡获殊荣的Riviera设计集团与超级游艇设计师Luca Vallebona合作,创造了78号机动游艇,一个全新的Riviera。 拥有更多的空间和更多的豪华,以及Riviera的关键属性:质量、强度和蓝水性能。 因此,Riviera 78是一艘具有远洋能力的豪华机动游艇,无论是在悉尼港娱乐,还是在地中海巡航,或是在巴哈马度假时与家人一起放松,都同样舒适。


** 干重是指游艇的最低估计重量,包括标准的发动机和选项,船上没有燃料或水,没有设备或供给,没有人员。所述的干重可能会被超过。



The award-winning Riviera design group in collaboration with superyacht designer, Luca Vallebona, have created the 78 Motor Yacht, an entirely new Riviera. With more space and more luxury as well as the key attributes of Riviera: quality, strength and blue-water performance. Hence, the Riviera 78 is an ocean capable luxury motor yacht, equally comfortable entertaining of Sydney Harbour, cruising the Mediterranean, or relaxing with family on holiday in the Bahamas.

Length of the hull (Lh) to ISO8666: Includes all structural and integral parts (ie. the moulded length of the hull). It excludes parts that can be removed in a non-destructive manner without affecting the structural integrity of the craft, (eg. pulpits, outdrives, driving platforms, rubbing strakes).

** Dry weight represents the estimated minimum weight of a yacht with standard engines and options, no fuel or water on board, no equipment or provisions and no personnel. The stated dry weight may be exceeded.

*** Denotes net tank capacity. For useable capacity do not rely on more than 90% of tank capacity. Actual capacity will vary according to yacht trim and sea state. Speeds are subject to normal weather conditions, fuel and/or water levels, passengers and equipment loads.