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高性能宽敞开放式3舱IPS POD运动型机动游艇(复合GRP/碳)
    用途 运动
    甲板布局 开放式
    船舱数量 3舱, 2舱
    材料 复合材料, GRP
    长度x宽度 17.66 m (57'11")x
    5.8 m (19'00")
    最大速度 40 kt
    船员人数 1 unit
    访客人数 5 unit
    燃料容量 2,500 l (660 gal)
    淡水容量 400 l (106 gal)


58 wallypower是最终的开放式运动巡洋舰,并且毫不掩饰。它的线条是公开的运动型,它有两个强大而高效的沃尔沃IPS1200发动机,最高速度为40节。

当你享受纯粹的性能时,你的客人可以在异常宽敞的甲板空间的大量座椅和日光床上舒展开来,由超大的环绕式挡风玻璃遮挡。58 wallypower有一个液压游泳梯,它可以作为一个通道,使它成为一个在海边放松的好地方。宽敞的内部空间,有两间或三间船舱可供选择,当太阳下山时提供了一个完美的休息场所。

航海建筑 Wally / Allseas

结构类型 复合GRP/碳

认证CE B类


The 58 wallypower is the ultimate open sports cruiser and makes no secret of it. Its lines are overtly sporty and it has two powerful but efficient Volvo IPS1200 engines, giving a top speed of 40 knots

While you enjoy the pure performance, your guests can stretch out on the plentiful seats and daybeds on the unusually generous deck space, sheltered by the oversized wraparound windscreen. The 58 wallypower has a hydraulic swim ladder which doubles as a passerelle, making it a wonderful place to chill out by the sea. The spacious interior, available with either two or three cabins, offers the perfect retreat when the sun goes down

Naval architecture Wally / Allseas

Construction type Composite GRP / carbon Certification

CE Category B