全国: | 上海:
    用途 巡游, 钓鱼运动
    甲板布局 硬顶, 开放式
    船舱数量 未指定
    材料 未指定
    长度 65'00" (19.81 m)


我们迫不及待地称这款手工制作的杰作为世界上最大的中央控制台,推出了有史以来第一款超级中央控制台游艇™ — 65' Estrella。

这艘船拥有同类产品中任何运动钓鱼或巡航游艇的所有舒适性和造型,但远远超过他们的多功能使用和性能。 由雅马哈 (425) 或 Seven Marine (627) 舷外电源提供动力,由于易于使用和易于管理的维护,您可以确保获得更愉快的所有权体验。 而且骑行和性能是无与伦比的,游艇比竞争对手的 25 英尺型号更容易控制。 船上有一个巨大的驾驶舱,一个两倍于其他中央控制台,标准船头和船尾推进器,以及 1800 加仑的大型燃油容量,船上有难以想象的大量舒适度和空间。 面向前的五人掌舵座椅可俯瞰三个大型 Garmin® 屏幕,在船头上有很好的位置,也可以旋转 180 度,形成一个 10 人快速用餐区,五人雪橇座椅全部位于硬顶下。 客舱最多可容纳五人入住,配有大型主客房、敞篷套间以及带独立步入式淋浴间的宽敞浴室。 酒店设有一个舒适的欧洲风格弓休息区和豪华的前台休息室,供那些希望享受阳光崇拜的客人使用。 船尾是一个可定制的后夹层座位区,具有各种功能配置。 最后,对于机械倾斜有一个步入式机房,一切都在触手可及和出的元素。

对于完美主义者来说,Estrella 是一款无可挑剔的构思和巧妙制作的超级中心游艇游艇


We could not rest on calling this handcrafted masterpiece the world’s largest Center Console, introducing the first ever Mega Center Console Yacht™ — the 65’ Estrella.

This vessel has all the comfort and styling of any sportfishing or cruising yacht in its class, but far surpasses them in versatile use and performance. Powered by quint Yamaha (425) or Seven Marine (627) outboard power, you are ensured a more enjoyable ownership experience due to ease of use and manageable maintenance. And the ride and performance are unmatched, the yacht is easier to control than competitor’s twenty-five-foot models. There is an unimaginable amount of comfort and space aboard with a huge cockpit, a cabin that is twice as large as other center consoles, standard bow and stern thrusters, and large 1,800 gallon fuel capacity for long range. The five-person forward facing helm seats overlook three large Garmin® screens and have great line-of-site over the bow, they also can be rotated 180 degrees to form a 10-person express dining area with the five-person sleigh seat, all under the hard top. The cabin boasts sleeping for up to five persons with large master stateroom, convertible settee, and spacious bathroom with separate walk-in shower. There is a comfortable European inspired bow seating area and deluxe front lounge for those wishing to sun worship. And aft is a customizable rear mezzanine seating area with a variety of feature configurations. Finally, for the mechanically inclined there is a walk-in machine room where everything is within reach and out of the elements.

the elements. For the perfectionist, the Estrella is an impeccably conceived and artfully crafted Mega Center Console Yacht