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    用途 巡游
    甲板布局 飞桥
    船舱数量 3舱
    船体类型 滑行船身
    材料 未指定
    长度 64'08" (19.72 m)


Zurn 游艇设计和 Hylas 游艇合作打造了 Hylas M58 飞桥和轿车。

台湾建造商海拉斯游艇与 Zurn 游艇设计公司携手合作,共同打造了建造商的第二艘摩托艇,Hylas M58 — 它的第一艘是最近推出的 M44。

M58 同时提供飞桥和轿车版本,随着游泳平台的扩展,她的总长度为 64 英尺 7 英寸。 Zurn 在这艘唐尼斯风格的游艇上称船体设计更像是一种刨船体,而不是半排量。 乙烯基酯树脂船体(在整个 Corecell 内核)具有 16.5-度横梁死亡和精细入口。

随着船体形状和标准的双 725 马力沃尔沃五角 D-11 IPS2 950 年代,据报道,M58 将顶出 27 节,巡航 23 节。 但是,业主也可以将他们的速度车状态与其他三种电源选项之一进行匹配。 为了让游艇的最大限度和巡航速度各达 2 节,所有者可以使用双沃尔沃五角 D-13 IPS3 1050 年代。 据报道,该游艇的第三个动力选项,沃尔沃五角 D-13 IPS3 1200s 将把 M58 推到 32 结的最高速度和 27 结的巡航。 最后,最大的力量来自双 1000 马力沃尔沃五节 D-13 IPS3 1350,它提供了一个 35 结的最高速度,Zurn 说。

至于布局,M58 的玻璃门通往甲板房子 “一切都消失了,” Zurn 说。 这使得从船尾驾驶舱到前方掌舵站清晰的视线, 设计方面 Hylas 客户说,他们想。

M58 采用 3 间客房布局,“围绕一个较低的甲板门厅,并在一个通往港口的储物柜中设有一个堆叠洗衣机烘干机,” Zurn 说。 前顶带连接浴室的客房设有一个岛屿皇后泊位,就像阿姆斯特丹的客房一样。


Zurn Yacht Design and Hylas Yachts collaborate to create the Hylas M58 flybridge and sedan.

Taiwan builder Hylas Yachts has joined forces with Zurn Yacht Design to create the builder’s second powerboat, the Hylas M58 — its first being the recently introduced M44.

The M58 comes in both a flybridge and sedan version, and with her swim platform extended, she measures 64 feet 7 inches length overall. Zurn calls the hull design on this Downeast-style yacht more of a planing hull form than semi-displacement. The vinylester resin hull (cored with Corecell throughout) has 16.5-degree transom deadrise and a fine entry.

With that hull form and standard twin 725 hp Volvo Penta D-11 IPS2 950s, the M58 will reportedly top out at 27 knots and cruise at 23 knots. However, owners can match their speedster status with one of three other power options as well. To bump the yacht’s maximum and cruise speeds up 2 knots each, owners can go with twin Volvo Penta D-13 IPS3 1050s. The yacht’s third power option, Volvo Penta D-13 IPS3 1200s, will reportedly push the M58 to a 32-knot top speed and a 27-knot cruise. Finally, the utmost power comes from twin 1,000 hp Volvo Penta D-13 IPS3 1350s that provide a 35-knot top speed, Zurn says.

As for layout, the M58’s glass doors leading into the deck house “all but disappear,” Zurn says. This allows for clear sightlines from the aft cockpit to the forward helm station, a design aspect Hylas clients have said they wanted.

The M58 has a 3-stateroom layout belowdecks, “centered around a lower-deck foyer with a stacked washer-dryer in a locker to port,” Zurn says. A forepeak en suite stateroom has an island queen berth, as does the amidships stateroom.