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现代化豪华适航硬顶IPS POD炭纤机动游艇(功能全用途多配置高)
    用途 巡游
    甲板布局 硬顶
    推动力 IPS POD
    船舱数量 3舱
    材料 碳纤
    长度x宽度 18.1 m (59'04")x4.6 m (15'01")
    总吨位 12.8 t, 14 t, 20 t (14.1 us ton)
    巡航速度 25 kt, 30 kt
    最大速度 36 kt, 37 kt
    燃料容量 2,900 l (766 gal)
    淡水容量 700 l (185 gal)


54 ips

Delta 54 ips是Delta Powerboats原创的碳纤维运动型游艇,为高效节能的运动型游艇树立了新的标杆。海军建筑师和Delta的创始人之一Lars Modin创造了一个具有塑造性的设计,它的适航性和复杂性的融合表达脱颖而出。资源丰富的外部区域,舒适安全的甲板布置,结合真实的工艺,豪华的功能和最先进的IPS吊舱驱动,使该船的多用途性质--54的设计是为了在所有类型的水上活动中表现出色。通过船尾的滑动玻璃门或右舷的船长受电弓开启门,可以进入明亮而通风的甲板屋。在甲板下方,前部有一个宽敞的主人舱,配有独立卫浴,以及两个舯部的双客舱或可选的双客舱,可容纳6名客人,享受一流的舒适度。作为世界上第一艘采用碳纤维结构的生产型船,屡获殊荣的Delta 54具有无与伦比的强度重量比和燃油效率。根据每个客户的规格建造,她欢迎您来到一个性能卓越的世界,并有机会创造您梦想中的游艇。










Garmin xHD2雷达 GPS锚点 锂电池组

Mastervolt 24V电气与CZone应用接口。

Webasto 55,000 BTU空调系统。


54 ips

Delta 54 ips is the original carbon fiber sportscruiser from Delta Powerboats, setting a new benchmark for fuel efficient performance motor yachts. Naval architect and Delta co-founder Lars Modin has created a formative design that stands out with its merged expression of seaworthiness and sophistication. Resourceful exterior areas with comfortable and safe deck arrangements combined with authentic craftsmanship, luxury features and state-of-the-art IPS pod drives enable the boat’s multipurpose nature – the 54 is designed to excel in all types of activities on the water. The light and airy deck house is accessed via sliding glass doors aft or a captain’s pantograph-opening door on starboard side. Belowdecks a generous owner’s cabin forward with en-suite head and shower along with two amidship twin- or optional double-guest cabins accomodate six guests in premium-class comfort. As the world’s first production boat with a carbon fiber construction the award-winning Delta 54 delivers unparalleled strength-to-weight ratio and fuel efficiency. Built to each client’s specifications she welcomes you to a world of outstanding performance and the opportunity to create the yacht of your dreams.

3 x cabin layout

2 x head/bathrooms

2 x IPS joystick controls, main station & aft deck

Electric panoramic sunroof

Hydraulic tender launch / swim platform

Fully equipped galley, Siemens appliances

Hydraulic aft deck dining table

Foldable aft deck sofa / sun bed

Garmin Glass Cockpit System, 2 x 22″ displays

Garmin xHD2 radar

GPS anchor

Lithium battery bank

Mastervolt 24V electrical with CZone app interface

Webasto 55,000 BTU air-conditioning