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豪华飞桥硬顶IPS POD巡游机动游艇(深V型船体航行能力卓越)
    用途 巡游
    甲板布局 硬顶
    船舱数量 3舱, 4舱
    材料 GRP
    长度x宽度 21.1 m (69'02")x5.8 m (19'00")
    吃水深度 1.3 m (4'03")
    巡航速度 32 kt
    最大速度 34 kt
    燃料容量 3,600 l (951 gal)
    淡水容量 1,200 l (317 gal)


Monachus 70 - 是一艘令人印象深刻、豪华和优雅的游艇,具有运动精神和迷人的外观,不会让观众无动于衷。它有卓越的航行能力,在各方面都很安全和圆滑,为充满活力的生活方式的游艇人设计,符合最高的CE类别'A'标准。


Monachus 70 "机动游艇引人注目的尖锐和高度发达的船头支配着每一个迎面而来的波浪,为乘客提供了一个愉快的巡航,并给外部观察者留下了力量和安全的壮观印象。纺锤形线条、结构强度、"极深的V型船体",是这个高级巡航游艇模型的特点。

沃尔沃IPS系统的标准应用与 "天钩系统 "和自动调节拦截器稳定器为平稳航行增加了价值,并确保游艇的实际控制和停靠。在巡航过程中和停泊在游艇上时,可选择安装陀螺稳定器来强调最终的舒适性,即使在受保护的海湾外停泊,也能保证游艇的最佳稳定性。


Monachus 70英尺游艇的轿车和飞桥性能可以用著名的歌曲 "Hit the sea Jack "的标题来描述。 这艘游艇为2至12人的所有基本需求和活动提供了必要的舒适性。它是为较长时间的巡航而制造的,但它对周末或白天的巡航也同样实用。


Monachus 70 – is an impressive, luxury and elegant yacht with a sporty spirit and an attractive appearance that does not leave spectators indifferent. It has superior navigability, it’s safe and sleek in every respect and designed for dynamic lifestyle yacht mans to the highest CE category ‘A’ standards.


The strikingly sharp and highly developed bow of the ‘Monachus 70’ motor yacht dominates every oncoming wave, provides passengers with a pleasant cruise, and leaves a spectacular impression of power and safety to the outside observer. The spindle line, structural strength, ‘extremely deep V hull’, are the features of this premium cruising yacht model.

The standard application of the VOLVO IPS system with the ‘sky-hook system’ and automatically regulating interceptor stabilizers adds value to the smooth sailing and ensures practical control and docking of the yacht. The ultimate comfort both during the cruise and when staying on the anchored yacht is emphasized by the optional installation of the Gyro stabilizer, which guarantees the best stability of the yacht even when anchoring outside protected bays.


The sedan as well as the flybridge performance of the yacht Monachus 70 feet is described by a paraphrase of the title of the famous song ‘Hit the sea Jack’. This yacht provides the necessary comfort for all essential needs and activities for two to twelve people. It’s made for longer cruises but it’s equally practical for weekend or day cruises.