全国: | 上海:
    用途 近海
    甲板布局 飞桥
    船舱数量 4舱
    材料 碳纤
    长度x宽度 19.3 m (63'03")x9.5 m (31'02")
    吃水深度 1.4 m (4'07")
    巡航速度 18 kt
    最大速度 36 kt
    燃料容量 8,000 l (2,113 gal)
    淡水容量 1,500 l (396 gal)






MC63p提供了两种飞桥布局可供选择,以满足一些不同的使用模式。 船尾飞桥的选择允许在舵手后面有一排座位,阳光垫凹入车顶,而扩展飞桥的选择创造了一个更大的空间来放松或存放玩具,并在车顶上增加了一个桥。

有三个多功能的内部安排,允许三个或四个客舱的布局,或将主人套房放在主甲板上的安排。 前方的双床舱可以为船员提供住宿,McConaghy欢迎客户指定他们自己的舱室配置。



Lightweight, strong and with contemporary, progressive lines, the MC63p is the power cat of the modern era.

The exterior design and naval architecture comes from KER Design, and echoes the profile and progressive styling that’s seen across McConaghy’s multihull series.

McConaghy’s carefully considered use of carbon, precise hull forms and the fixed foils make for a particularly fuel-efficient vessel at her 20-knot cruising speed, yet the MC63p is able to achieve a top speed of 36kts and offers a range of 1,500 nautical miles.

The exterior design and naval architecture comes from KER Design, and echoes the profile and progressive styling that’s seen across McConaghy’s multihull series.

The MC63p offers two flybridge layouts to choose from, catering to a number of different usage models. The aft flybridge option allows for a bank of seating behind the helm with a sun pad recessed into the coach roof, whilst the extended flybridge option creates a larger space for relaxing or toy stowage, with the addition of a bridge atop the coach roof.

There are three versatile interior arrangements available, allowing for a three or four cabin layout or an arrangement that positions the master suite on the main deck. Twin bunk cabins forward allow for the accommodation of crew and McConaghy welcome a client to specify their own cabin configuration.

Retractable glass panels flank the open-plan saloon and galley, and full height bi-fold glass doors connect this dynamic social space to the aft deck.