全国: | 上海:
    用途 用于独木舟和皮艇
    使用者 男式
    材质 泡沫材料


这款BA是由斯洛文尼亚制造商Sandiline为Galasport生产的。 这款高品质的浮力辅助器采用独特的灰色设计,将为您提供最大的


如今,所有顶尖的划手都使用集成的浮力辅助器,这些浮力辅助器是船板的一部分,或者部分浮力可以插入船板本身。 它们在胸部区域往往更加纤细,使划手能够更接近杆子,这在竞争激烈的高端赛事中至关重要。然而,对于年轻的划手、初学者以及休闲划手来说,标准的浮力辅助器是首选。

标准浮力辅助器的价格比综合选项低,但主要因素是划手的安全。 对于年轻的划手和初学者来说,传统的浮力辅助器是一个更安全的选择,可以让他们在水上获得基本的技能,在安全的条件下练习eskimo翻滚,同时在杆子周围获得自信。




This BA is produced by Slovenian manufacturer Sandiline for Galasport. This high quality buoyancy aid comes in a unique grey design and will provide you with the greatest

possible comfort in movement, which is necessary for paddling.

These days, all the top paddlers use integrated buoyancy aids that are part of the cagdeck or whereby part of the buoyancy can slot into the deck itself. They tend to be much slimmer at the chest area, allowing the paddler to get closer to the poles, which is critical at the top end of competition, where margins are tight.However, for younger paddlers, beginners, as well as recreational paddlers - a standard buoyancy aid is the preferred option.

Standard buoyancy aids are less expensive than the integrated options, but the main factor is the safety of the paddler. A traditional buoyancy aid is a much safer option for younger paddles and beginners, allowing them to gain essential skills on the water, practicing eskimo rolls in safe conditions, whilst getting confident around the poles.

The foam in the buoyancy aid is made with high-quality AIREX ensuring correct buoyancy and longevity of the product, if looked after correctly. The BA has an ISO certificate

ISO12402 and complies with all ICF requirements.