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您是否搜寻大兴奋,大鱼或multiday英里13 ' 9 " NRS E-139D Dodger XL填装票据。 减少管设计创造溅泼,挥动猛击的乘驾和额外货物空间。 荡桨或用浆划,这是一位狡猾的Dodger!

塑造,在原始的Riken设计, 20支"旁边管逐渐变细到17.5 "在弓和船尾之后。



增加Bighorn I帧,并且您准备好multiday冒险。 投入NRS渔框架并且让渔乐趣开始。


耐用Pennel Orca®材料是超级磨蚀,化工和紫外抗性为无敌的耐久性。




14 2个" D环形物和6 EasyCarry™把柄做索具和发射E-139D短冷期。

无困难Leafield™ C7阀门保证管的容易的通货膨胀或塌陷,反对和地板,并且Leafield A6压力减轻阀门保护地板。


Whether you're searching for big thrills, big fish or multiday miles the 13'9" NRS E-139D Dodger XL fills the bill. The diminishing-tube design creates a splashy, wave-punching ride and extra cargo space. Rowing or paddling, this is one artful Dodger!

Modeled after the original Riken design, 20" side tubes taper to 17.5" at the bow and stern.

Tapered "diminishing" tubes provide more interior cargo room, increased splash, easier paddling and excellent wave-punching ability.

Lower rocker provides a splashy, fun ride and a larger sight picture for the fisherman.

Add a Bighorn I frame and you're ready for multiday adventures. Put on the NRS Fishing Frame and let the fishing fun begin.

Add an optional third thwart to easily take on 8-9 paddlers.

Heavy-duty Pennel Orca® material is super abrasion, chemical and UV-resistant for unmatched durability.

Full-coverage HD40 floor armor on the bottoms and sides of the tubes guards your boat from the wear and tear of boulders and beaches.

Four main tube air chambers give you extra security in emergency situations.

Self-bailing floor with quick-draining holes allows you to leave the bucket at home.

14 2" D-rings and 6 EasyCarry™ handles make rigging and launching the E-139D a snap.

Trouble-free Leafield™ C7 Valves ensure easy inflation/deflation of the tubes, thwarts and floor, and the Leafield A6 Pressure Relief Valve protects the floor.