全国: | 上海:
    项目 多用途, 加拿大式, 激流
    座位数量 单人
    颜色 红色
    长度x宽度 4.2 m(13'09" )x70 cm(27.56 in)
    重量 16 kg(35.27 lb)
    最大板重 180 kg(397 lb)


有投入您的齿轮的许多的一个非常机动的独奏加拿大人空间。 适用于小河和大湖。 YOHO 1是,交付它的操纵性,非常适用于浪端的白色泡沫乘独木舟。 船身有浅,圆形,在Yoho1-80并且咬住了更多摇摆物。 YOHO 1-70比以平底为特色的更宽的Yoho 1-80较不机动的,然而它跑更快并且是容易对爱斯基摩卷独木舟。 Yoho的对个人主义者、快速的白色水乘独木舟,孩子和年轻人是理想的和是第一个选择以各种各样的独木舟影片。


A very manoeuvrable solo Canadian with lots of space to put your gear. Suitable for both small rivers and big lakes. The YOHO 1 is, due of its manoeuvrability, very suitable for white water canoeing. The hull has a shallow, round shape, on the Yoho1-80 and bit more rocker. The YOHO 1-70 is a bit less manoeuvrable than the wider Yoho 1-80 which features a flat bottom, however it runs a bit quicker and is easier to Eskimo roll the canoe. The Yoho’s are ideal for individualists, fast white-water canoeing, kids and youngsters and have been first choice in various canoe films.