全国: | 上海:
    应用领域 皮划艇
    项目 静水
    形状 不对称
    叶片数量 双头
    材料 复合材料, Kevlar®
    构造 可调节


Brača我是原始的世界第一个泪珠设计和我们的最用途广泛的桨。 桨被设计首先促进功率应用(抓住)和在冲程中间,使能力得到“最后”向前冲程。

Brača我对马拉松刀片建筑是可利用的。 这是先进技术的结果,合成材料的私有的混合和设计了想着马拉松和冒险桨手。 刀片的边缘加强与使高度防撞击在极端下来河情况的凯夫拉尔层数。

所有Brača我桨对一个可调整的轴系统是可利用的。 这允许整体桨长度(在5cm范围之内)和浆叶角的典雅的调整从0°到80°或左在5°增加。 系统也允许您拆卸桨入容易的运输的二部分。

Brača我是可利用的在额外光和僵硬的建筑为更喜欢轻和僵硬的特征的运动员。 您能也选择轴的僵硬。 我们推荐更大的刀片的一个更加僵硬的轴,但是所有组合是可能的。 看见下面轴僵硬测量prodecure和参量桌。


Brača I is the original world’s first ’tear-drop’ design and our most widely used paddles. The paddles are designed to facilitate application of power in the beginning (catch) and in the middle of the stroke, enabling capabilities to obtain the “ultimate” forward stroke.

Brača I is available with Marathon blade construction. This is a result of advanced technology, a proprietary blend of composite materials and was designed with the marathon and adventure paddler in mind. The edge of the blade is reinforced with a kevlar layer that makes it highly impact resistant in extreme down river conditions.

All Brača I paddles are available with an Adjustable Shaft System. This allows elegant adjustment of overall paddle length (within 5cm range) and blade angle from 0° to 80° right or left in 5° increments. The system also allows you to disassemble the paddle into two parts for easy transportation.

Brača I are available in the extra light and stiff construction for the athlete who prefers light and stiff characteristics. You can also choose the stiffness of the shaft. We recommend a stiffer shaft for bigger blades but any combination is possible. See the shaft stiffness measurement prodecure and parameter table below.