全国: | 上海:
    构造 充气
    应用项目 海洋
    使用者 成人
    座位数量 三人座
    水平 新手用
    材料 PVC
    颜色 灰色, 黑色
    长度x宽度 540 cm(212.6 in)x98 cm(38.58 in)
    重量 22 kg(48.5 lb)
    最大板重 325 kg(717 lb)


scubi家族又多了一个成员!Scubi 3是为那些需要比两座版更大空间的人设计的。同样,三座版的最高优先级是scubi的口号:"只需划桨:scubi的概念"。

scubi 3有三个完整的座位,有足够的腿部空间。因此,它非常适合三个成年人或两个成年人带一到两个小孩使用。但像往常一样,这艘船也是多功能的。只需两个人就可以使用,然后有很大的空间来放置装备。还有一个流行的变体是两个成年人和一只狗一起使用它。 为此,你可能需要在船上铺上一块垫子。也有一些家庭把中间的座位拿掉,为两个小孩提供空间。他们可以坐在包装袋上或野营垫上。


scubi 3的底部没有充气元件。只是两侧是由四个独立的高压充气管(操作压力:0.25巴或3.6磅)组成,你可以用附带的气泵(包括压力计)为其充气。每一侧的泄压阀提供了额外的安全性,并防止管子获得高压,例如,由于严重的太阳辐射。


There is another addition to the scubi family! As consequent evolution the scubi 3 is made for those who need even more space than the two seated variant can offer. Also with the three seater the highest priority is the scubi-slogan: “Just paddle: the concept scubi.”

The scubi 3 has three full seats with enough room for legs. So it is perfectly made for three adults or two adults with one to two little children. But as usual also this boat is versatile usable. It is perfectly usable just with two persons and then has a lot of space for gear. Also a popular variant is using it with two adults and a dog. For that you should probably lay a mat in the boat. There are also families which remove the middle seat to gain space for two little children. They then can sit on the packing bags or on a camping mat.

The boat has a consistent keel, which is made of five parts and bow- as well as a stern stem. The principle of limitation of the frame has also been maintained with the three-seater. The three comfortable seats as well as the lateral retainers and the thigh straps are preinstalled and don’t have to be removed. Under the each of the seats there are two small cross ribs installed. The preinstalled thigh belts provide a safe and secure grip in the boat.

The bottom of the scubi 3 has no inflatable elements. Just the sides are made of four independent inflatable high pressure air tubes (operation pressure: 0.25 bar or 3.6 psi), which you can inflate with the supplied air pump incl. manometer. A relief valve at each side provides additional security and prevents the tubes from gaining to high pressure, for example from heavy sun radiation.