全国: | 上海:
    构造 组合式
    应用项目 休闲, 探险
    应用项目 海洋
    使用者 成人
    座位数量 串联


性能巡演模块化皮艇。 在阿拉斯加最恶劣的条件下得到证明! 像 1,2,3 一样容易-点 65 水星 GTX 14/18 是一个高性能,稳定,甲板模块化旅游皮划艇... 与

1,2,3 一样容易-继点 65 的模块化休闲皮艇的成功-这里的旅游版本。 Point 65 Mercury GTX 14/18 是一款高性能、稳定、甲板模块化旅游皮划艇,带有大型驾驶舱,可以探索,然后在汽车后备箱带回家。 与娱乐版本一样,Mercury 采用创新的卡扣式水龙头解决方案。 第 65 点卡扣式水龙头技术受美国和欧洲专利保护。

415 厘米 / 13" 7" 水星 GTX 可拆分为三个易于管理的部件,每个重量小于 11 千克/24,3 磅,100cm/39 "的鼻子部分可紧紧贴在驾驶舱内,便于装载,例如在汽车后备箱内。 通过额外的中间件,您的水星 GTX 独奏将变成一个 545cm/17 “10” 高性能的探险队。 Mercury 由屡获殊荣的设计工程师马格努斯 · 德布里托创造,是一款有趣、多功能、高性能的旅游皮艇。


Performance touring modular kayak. Proven in the roughest conditions of Alaska! AS EASY AS 1, 2, 3 - The Point 65 Mercury GTX 14/18 is a high performance, stable, decked modular touring kayak...

As easy as 1, 2, 3 - Following the success of Point 65’s modular recreational kayaks - here the touring version. The Point 65 Mercury GTX 14/18 is a high performance, stable, decked modular touring kayak with a large cockpit with which to explore and then take back home in the trunk of your car. Like the recreational versions, the Mercury features the innovative snap tap solution. The Point 65 Snap-TAP technologies are protected under US and European patents.

The 415 cm/ 13’7’’ Mercury GTX breaks apart into three manageable pieces each weighing less than 11 kg/ 24,3 lbs. The 100cm/39’’ nose section fit’s snugly into the cockpit, making for easy stowage, for example in the trunk of your car. With an additional mid piece your Mercury GTX Solo is transformed into a 545cm/17’10’’ high performance, expedition tandem. Created by award-winning design engineer Magnus De Brito, the Mercury is a fun, versatile, high performance touring kayak.