全国: | 上海:
    构造 刚性
    应用项目 追逐赛, 马拉松, 竞赛
    使用者 成人
    座位数量 双人


有什么更好的方式来庆祝我们 50 周年比重新想象我们服务时间最长的 K2 海市蜃楼。 新的 M.50, 配备了一个尖锐的新甲板, 苗条的光束和完全重新设计的船体 — 我们已经结合了最好的旧与最好的他的新. 和柯顿皮艇本身一样古老,而且本身就是一个机构,幻影 K2 真正经受住了时间的考验。 它现在和最初构思时一样受欢迎。 与 DW 比赛的代名词,以及备受喜爱的俱乐部船,幻影有一个梦幻般的速度,易于操作和宽恕的中层稳定性。

这是一个很难遵循的行为,但作为我们 50 周年庆祝活动的一部分,我们无法抗拒这一挑战。


What better way to celebrate our 50th anniversary than by re-imagining our longest serving K2, the Mirage. The new M.50, comes with a sharp new deck, slimmer beam and completely re-worked hull – we've combined the best of the old with the best of he new. As old as Kirton Kayaks itself, and an institution in it’s own right, the Mirage K2 truly has stood the test of time. It’s as popular now as it was when it was first conceived. Synonymous with the DW race, and a much-loved club boat, the Mirage has a fantastic turn of speed, easy handling and a forgiving mid-level stability.

It’s a hard act to follow, but as part of out our 50th anniversary celebrations, we couldn’t resist the challenge.