全国: | 上海:
    构造 刚性
    应用项目 游览
    应用项目 海洋
    使用者 成人
    座位数量 双人
    水平 新手用, 专家级, 中间
    材料 聚乙烯
    长度x宽度 530 cm(208.66 in)x67 cm(26.38 in)
    重量 34 kg(74.96 lb)
    最大板重 240 kg(529 lb)


皮划艇运动员可以根据风向和水流来调整Biwok的可移动匕首板的深度,更容易纠正其航线。船体保持不变,仍然具有良好的滑行和稳定性。甲板经过重新设计,有更大的体积,船盖也被扩大,可以容纳最大的水手。它的标准配置是Hi-Class座椅。BIWOK EVO以其高装载量成为短途或长途旅行的皮划艇。

前舱容积:62升 - 可通过1个舱口进入。




- 甲板线

- 甲板前部吊绳

- 甲板中部的绳索

- 后部黑绳

- 带椭圆形舱口的储物箱

- 高质量的座椅

- 携带式手柄

- 桨架栓绳

- PU龙骨

- 一对混合脚踏板

- 方向盘

- 伸缩式船架


The kayaker can adjust the depth of the Biwok’s removable daggerboard according to the wind and current and more easily correct its course. The hull remains unchanged and still has good gliding and stability. The deck has been redesigned and has more volume, and the coamings have been enlarged to accommodate the largest of sailors. It is equipped with Hi-Class seats as standard. The BIWOK EVO is the kayak for short or long trips with its high loading capacity.

Front compartment volume: 62 liters – accessible by 1 hatch.

Rear compartment volume: 120 liters – accessible by 1 trap door.

It is recommended to use a DRY BAG in the kayak storage compartments.

This product is designed exclusively to be propelled by human power (paddle)

• Deckline

• Front deck bungee

• Central deck bungee

• Rear black bungee

• Storage compartments with oval hatch

• HI-CLASS seats

• Carry handles

• Paddle holder bungees

• PU keel

• Pairs of mixed footrests

• Rudder

• Retractable skeg