全国: | 上海:
    构造 刚性
    应用项目 冲浪, 探险
    使用者 成人
    座位数量 单人
    材料 聚乙烯


少摇杆, 更多的旅行者在 2016 年推出, 威士忌 16 旅游者在 3 层超坚韧聚乙烯, 由奈杰尔 · 福斯特设计, 是他寻找的一切在皮艇和更多. 所有... 更@@


于 2016 年推出,这款威士忌 16 旅行者采用三层超坚韧聚乙烯,由 Nigel Foster 设计,成为他在皮艇上寻找的一切,以及更多。所有你需要做的就是尝试它-你迷上了。 即使是绝对的新手感觉就像奈杰尔 · 福斯特在威士忌 16 的驾驶舱。 在温和的水面上,船舒适、稳定、易于操纵,是培养技能的理想船。

威士忌 16 旅行者拥有更完整的船头和船尾形状,可减少跌落,旨在充分利用粗糙的水、冲浪和潮流。 它非常适合一日游,但足够宽敞,可以进行自足的探险划桨。 3 层 PE 结构赋予了威士忌 16 的刚度和强度,同时降低了重量。 与@@

威士忌 16 摇杆相比,威士忌 16 型旅行者具有较低的摇杆(船体上曲线较少的船体)。 这给皮艇更多的速度和跟踪,这是理想的旅游或更长的桨探险。 另一方面,摇杆有一个更明显的摇杆(船体更香蕉形),这使得皮艇更机动和灵活,非常适合在冲浪或跳岩。

威士忌 16 旅游者设有一个中型大型开放式驾驶舱,有两个大型椭圆形船尾舱和弓舱口,一个大型圆形舱口位于驾驶舱后方,可在水面上获取物品,还有一个小型圆形舱口,位于驾驶舱前方,可通往甲板下隔层。


Less Rocker, more Tourer Introduced in 2016, the Whisky 16 Tourer in 3-layer ultra tough Polyethylene, is designed by Nigel Foster, to be everything he looks for in a kayak-and more.All...

Less Rocker, more Tourer

Introduced in 2016, the Whisky 16 Tourer in 3-layer ultra tough Polyethylene, is designed by Nigel Foster, to be everything he looks for in a kayak-and more.All you have to do is to try it – and you’re hooked. Even an absolute novice feels like Nigel Foster in the cockpit of a Whisky 16. On gentle waters the boat is comfortable, stable, and easily manoeuvred – an ideal boat to develop skills.

With its fuller bow and stern shape to reduce plunging, the Whisky 16 Tourer is designed to make the most of rough water, surf, and currents. It is perfect for day trips but spacious enough for a self-contained expedition paddling. The 3-layer PE construction gives the Whisky 16 stiffness and strength while decreasing the weight.

The Whisky 16 Tourer has a a lower Rocker (the hull with less curve on the hull) compared to the Whisky 16 Rocker. This gives the kayak more speed and tracking which is ideal for touring or longer paddle expeditions. The Rocker on the other hand has a more pronounce Rocker (the hull is more banan shaped) which make the kayak more manoeuvrable and nimble which is ideal for playing in surf or for rock hopping.

The Whisky 16 Tourer features a medium large open cockpit and has two large oval aft and bow hatches, a large round day hatch behind the cockpit for access to items while on the water, and the Whisky hatch, a smaller round hatch in front of the cockpit that opens to an under-deck compartment.