全国: | 上海:
    构造 折叠
    应用项目 探险, 长距离
    使用者 成人
    座位数量 双人
    材料 PVC
    推动力模式 帆布, 手动
    长度x宽度 5.5 m (18'00")x84 cm (33.07 in)
    重量 31 kg (68.34 lb)
    最大板重 300 kg (661 lb)



宽敞的储物舱、安全元素如内置空气赞助、舒适的充气座椅、安装喷水甲板的可能性、方向舵和帆桁,使NERIS Valkure皮艇成为在任何条件下进行长期探险的最佳模型之一。Valkure-2可以让你在技术上复杂的长距离极限路线上,在远离文明的地区,在激流高达3级的河流上,在咸水湖和沿海地区航行。


NERIS Valkure-2模型的特点。






Swift-sailing, roomy and reliable, Valkure-2 kayak has been designed for long trips on lakes, flat and whitewater rivers and in coastal areas. Due to its accomplished shape, structural strength and built-in air sponsons, this model features exceptional speed performance, good rudder performance, long and safe service. Valkure can also be used as a sailing vessel, fast kayak for competitions and races.

Roomy storage compartments, safety elements like built-in air sponsons, comfortable inflatable seats, possibility to mount a spray deck, rudder and sail rigs make NERIS Valkure kayak one of the best models for long expeditions in any conditions. Valkure-2 allows you to cover technically complicated long-distance extreme routes, expeditions in the regions far from civilisation, rivers with rapids up to Class III, sailing in brackish coastal lakes and coastal areas.

Valkure expedition kayak is the best model for sailing sport and sailing trips. With the sail rig the kayak handles well on waves and with the side wind. At the same time, due to their speed performance Valkure kayaks often participate and win in various competitions, orienteering festivals and races.

Features of the NERIS Valkure-2 model:

The kayak's design is simple and reliable, it's easy to assemble and has no fragile plastic frame fasteners;

It has roomy storage compartment in the bow and stern, the kit can also be stowed alongside the boat;

It is supplied with practical inflatable seats;

The kayak's frame design features a number of original engineering solutions (twin stringer system, polyurethane bottom stringer support) that allow to assemble the kayak in less than 30 minutes;