全国: | 上海:
    构造 充气
    应用项目 游览, 休闲, 初学者
    应用项目 河流, 静水
    使用者 成人
    座位数量 双人
    水平 新手用
    材料 橡胶, EPDM
    颜色 红色, 黑色
    长度x宽度 5 m (16'04")x90 cm (35.43 in)
    重量 24.5 kg (54.01 lb)
    最大板重 280 kg (617 lb)


这款充气旅行皮艇是为1或2人,甚至是非常大的成年人设计的,适合父母带着他们的孩子或老人,他们喜欢可靠和安全的船,有足够的空间。它适合在湖上和海里的一日游,中等白水和慢节奏的河流探索--只需走出你的房车,跳进皮划艇。令人难以置信的稳定,令人难以置信的宽敞,甚至可以与电动马达一起使用。舒适的全能型产品,具有公认的 Grabner 特性











This inflatable travel kayak is designed for 1 or 2, even very large adults, for parents with their child or elderly who prefer a reliable and safe boat with plenty of space. It is suitable for day trips on lakes and in the sea, medium white water and slow-paced river exploration – simply get out of your motorhome and jump into the kayak: Incredibly stable, incredibly spacious and can even be used with an electric motor: A comfortable all-rounder featuring the proven Grabner characteristics!

Ideal dimensions

Flat, long, wide. The MEGA glides very effortlessly, it barely offers wind a surface to attack and provides plenty of space for even heavily-built persons or two children sitting next to each other. Thanks to its design, this inflatable kayak does not capsize, even in heavy swells!

Lengths ahead

How pleasant. The flat, raised bow glides elegantly through the waves and supports this kayak’s outstanding performance characteristics on calm waters. The boat’s long body offers plenty of space, even for very large persons.

Supporting foredeck and reardeck

Very pleased. The inflatable foredeck and reardeck parts provide this kayak with high torsional stiffness, keep out water splashes and offer ample storage space for luggage or camping equipment.

Spacious interior

In the MEGA, you can take a seat wherever you like: Alone in the middle with optimal centre of gravity or with flexible legroom for paddlers with long or short legs. The high backrest of the kayak seats adapts to the shape of your body and supports the entire back.

Keyword loyalty: The downward-shifting floor has a pronounced centre tube and keeps you on course.