全国: | 上海:
    类型 平台式
    构造 充气
    应用项目 休闲
    应用项目 海洋
    使用者 成人
    座位数量 单人
    材料 聚乙烯
    推动力模式 踏板操作
    颜色 绿色
    长度x宽度 2.87 m (9'04")x1.02 m (3'04")
    重量 16.8 kg (37.04 lb)
    最大板重 159 kg (351 lb)


Mirage iTrek 9超轻型充气艇是我们最轻、最易操作的脚踏皮艇。它可以装在一个方便的滚轮/背包袋里,使你可以把它存放在较小的空间,如公寓、房车或船上。更好的是,它的安装重量只有20磅,可以把它放在飞机上,去你最喜欢的旅行目的地。这个充气艇在几分钟内就变成了一个舒适和可操纵的水上交通工具。Mirage iTrek 9超轻型充气皮艇的设计是为了帮助你以最小的麻烦到达偏远的水域。它的对角线缝合结构可膨胀到10PSI,提供与我们其他平台相同的坚固刚性和灵活的性能,但在一个令人难以置信的轻量级包装。iTrek 9 Ultralight配备了MirageDrive GT与Kick-Up Fins和直观的方向盘控制,可以在轴上转动,轻松地在狭窄的水道中航行。可调节的高位座椅内有透气的monomesh面料,所以无论你在水上待多久都能保持舒适和凉爽。iTrek 9 Ultralight是快速、灵活和易于运输的,但我们并没有就此止步。它也是多功能的。只需卸下MirageDrive,拿起三片式SUP桨,你的iTrek 9就可以作为一个站立平台使用了。我们使它易于使用,更易于运输。配有高压手动泵和高容量电动泵以及三片式SUP桨。转向手柄安装在座椅的左侧或右侧。可载重350磅。只需加水!



我们拥有专利的 "踢起鳍 "技术为我们提供了前所未有的动力,使我们能够在水中冲刺。原木、海藻、浅滩、岩石,都不是问题。


The Mirage iTrek 9 Ultralight inflatable is our lightest and most maneuverable pedal kayak. Packs away in a convenient roller/backpack bag that allows you to store it in smaller spaces like an apartment, RV or boat. Better yet, with a fitted weight of only 20 pounds, check it on a plane to your favorite travel destination. This inflatable transforms into a comfortable and maneuverable watercraft within minutes. The Mirage iTrek 9 Ultralight inflatable kayak is designed to help you reach remote waters with minimal hassle. Its diagonal dropstitch construction inflates to 10 PSI, delivering the same rugged rigidity and nimble performance as our other platforms, but in an unbelievably lightweight package. Featuring the MirageDrive GT with Kick-Up Fins and intuitive rudder control, the iTrek 9 Ultralight can turn on its axis and navigate tight waterways with ease. The adjustable elevated seat is lined with breathable monomesh fabric, so you stay comfortable and cool no matter how long you’re on the water. The iTrek 9 Ultralight is fast, agile, and easily transportable - but we didn’t stop there. It’s versatile, too. Simply remove the MirageDrive and grab the three-piece SUP paddle and your iTrek 9 is ready to be used as a stand-up platform. We made it easy to use and even easier to transport. Comes with a high-pressure hand pump and high-volume electric pump and three-piece SUP paddle. Steering handle mounts on left or right side of the seat. Carries up to 350 lbs. Just add water!



Our Patented Kick-Up Fins provide the power to charge through the water as never before. Logs, kelp, shallows, rocks, no problem.