全国: | 上海:
    类型 平台式
    构造 充气
    应用项目 游览, 钓鱼
    应用项目 海洋
    使用者 成人
    座位数量 双人
    水平 新手用
    材料 PVC
    颜色 天蓝色
    长度x宽度 426 cm (167.72 in)x91.5 cm (36.02 in)
    最大板重 190 kg (419 lb)


驾驶 Spinera Tenaya 140,踏上优质皮艇之旅。这款卓越的皮艇完美融合了质量、稳定性和性能,将您的水上探险提升到新的高度。

Tenaya 120 拥有 426 x 91.5 厘米的宽敞尺寸,为您的皮划艇旅行提供了充足的空间。

无论是探险、钓鱼,还是仅仅享受水上的宁静,这款皮艇都能满足您的所有需求。Tenaya 140 的承重能力高达 190 千克,坚固可靠,可轻松承载您的装备和冒险精神。


加固的 PVC 侧壁确保了耐用性和轻便性的完美结合,使皮艇在经受水上考验的同时,仍能保持灵活、易于操控的特性。

厚度为 8 厘米的高密度下垂缝合(HDDS)底板提供了超凡的稳定性和强度,确保您坐在皮艇上舒适安全。




Embark on a journey into the realm of premium kayaking with the Spinera Tenaya 140. This exceptional kayak offers the perfect blend of quality, stability, and performance, elevating your water adventures to new heights.

The Tenaya 120 boasts generous dimensions of 426 x 91,5 cm, providing ample space for your kayaking excursions.

Whether you're exploring, fishing, or simply enjoying the tranquility of the water, this kayak caters to all your needs. With an impressive weight capacity of up to 190 kg, the Tenaya 140 is robust and reliable, effortlessly carrying your gear and adventurous spirit.

Designed with a special premium touring shape that delivers both stability and efficiency, you'll glide effortlessly through the water, enjoying a comfortable paddling experience.

The combination of durability and lightness is ensured by the reinforced PVC sidewalls, allowing the kayak to withstand the rigors of water while remaining nimble and easy to maneuver.

The High-Density-Drop-Stitch (HDDS) floor, with a thickness of 8 cm, provides exceptional stability and strength, ensuring you sit comfortably and securely in the kayak.

The included seat offers outstanding comfort, featuring an air cushion for personalized adjustments, allowing you to paddle for hours without fatigue.

Easily attach the premium kayak fin to help you stay on course effortlessly. Retain full control of your kayak, even in windy conditions.