全国: | 上海:
    类型 平台式
    构造 充气
    应用项目 海洋
    使用者 成人
    座位数量 单人, 双人
    水平 新手用
    材料 聚乙烯
    颜色 红色
    长度 8'02" , 10'08" (2.5 m)


纳玛卡(Namaka)是克莱斯皮艇公司为探索海岸和大自然而设计的一款皮艇,它可以悄无声息地移动,到达帆船或游泳无法到达的地方,而且零排放,对海洋环境极为尊重。NAMAKA 有单人座和双人座两种型号,是一种充气式皮艇,具有极佳的稳定性,这要归功于其带有管状截面的气室,非常适合随波逐流。充气式座椅提供了一个升高的划桨位置,确保了舒适性,而尼龙搭扣条和可调节带则允许在整个座舱内移动和调整腰部支撑。Namaka 的船头和船尾都配有尼龙衬里和防溅保护装置、实用的弹力绳、帮助将其带出水面的把手、尼龙搭扣桨架和带防磨层的加固底部。两种型号都是即用型套装,配有充气和立即使用所需的所有配件,从打气筒到桨叶(双人桨叶两个,单人桨叶一个),直到快挂鳍片。由密封的 1000 旦纬纱多层材料制成,具有最佳的硬度/重量比。侧面管状气室配有专用阀门和加强型防磨损 7 格底座。轻质结构,提供最佳的舒适度和性能。通过国际质量和安全标准 ISO 6185-1 iii b 认证。


Namaka is the cressi kayak created to explore the coasts and nature, to move silently and reach places inaccessible by sailing or swimming, with zero emissions and the utmost respect for the marine environment. Available in two versions, single or double seat, namaka is an inflatable kayak with excellent stability thanks to its air chambers with tubular sections, which are ideal for following the waves. Comfort is ensured by the inflatable seats that provide a raised paddling position, while the velcro strips and adjustable straps allow the lumbar support to be moved and adapted along the entire cockpit. Namaka is equipped with nylon linings at the bow and stern with splash guards, practical bungee cords, handles to help carry it out of the water, a velcro oar holder and reinforced bottom with anti-abrasion layer. Both models are ready-to-use sets, supplied with all the accessories needed for inflation and immediate use, from the pump to the paddles (two for the double and one for the single) up to the quick-hooking fins. Made of hermetic 1000-denier weft multilayer material to provide the best stiffness/weight ratio. Lateral tubular air chambers with dedicated valves and reinforced anti-abrasion 7-compartment base. Lightweight construction for maximum comfort and performance. Certified according to the international quality and safety standard iso 6185-1 iii b