全国: | 上海:
    构造 刚性
    应用项目 探险
    应用项目 海洋
    使用者 成人
    座位数量 单人


最后万能选手。 遇见C艰苦跋涉18's小兄弟, C艰苦跋涉16。 但是不要让大小傻瓜您。 大约是二英尺整理者,它的减少的长度是它的力量。 想象更加方便C艰苦跋涉18的远征仅更轻,更加操纵性和处理在水外面。 那简言之是C艰苦跋涉16。 真正地适用于所有能力的桨手从绝对初学者正确通过的对老练的远征桨手。 它是难以置信的操纵性做出它岩石卖力的出色的选择,并且Kirton的坚固性建筑将采取日常使用敲和爆沸。

高效率的船身设计充分利用小船的整体长度,因此它执行以及一只充分的脚更长的许多皮船。 这意味着您能保持与大男孩用最小的努力。

被环绕的横断面给非常为初学者桨手原谅的一个坚实和稳定的平台。 它将继续对交付满意和表现,您改善。




The ultimate all-rounder. Meet the C-Trek 18's baby brother, the C-Trek 16. But don’t let the size fool you. Being approximately two-foot sorter, its reduced length is its strength. Imagine the C-trek 18 Expedition only lighter, more maneuverable and much more convenient to handle out of the water. That’s the C-Trek 16 in a nutshell. It really is suitable for paddlers of all abilities from absolute beginners right through to the experienced expedition paddler. It’s incredible maneuverability makes it the standout choice for rock hopping, and the Kirton’s rugged constructions will take the knocks and bumps of everyday use.

The efficient hull design makes full use of the boat’s overall length, so it performs as well as many kayaks that are a full foot longer. This means you can keep with the big boys with minimal effort.

The rounded cross-sections give a solid and stable platform that’s very forgiving for the beginner paddler. It will continue to delivery satisfaction and performance as you improve.

The deck also benefits form the latest, high-quality Kajak Sport hatches and fittings to optimise security and performance.

The C-trek 16 is fun, responsive and offers excellent performance.