全国: | 上海:
    类型 平台式
    构造 刚性
    应用项目 钓鱼
    应用项目 海洋
    使用者 成人
    座位数量 单人


大妈妈运动和钓鱼皮艇... “TANCHERO” 专为您在海上,湖泊或河流冒险而设计的

Tanchero Tanchero 以其 “外观” 从流线型,细长和... 可怕的线。

一个弓,削减水和一个令人惊讶的强调 V 龙骨区分这个独木舟在其类别,具有令人惊讶的质量/价格比。

易于处理... 皮艇与设备的最高水平,可调整后顶针(其中,如果你愿意,也不能安装)由踏板和集成脚担架控制

专为每个人... 两个大储物柜,一个椭圆形和一个矩形(后者与倾向于拧各种支持,如深度探测器,GPS 和动作相机)

空间... 大型后载舱,带有合金装载皮带,可将物品固定在皮艇上。

负载能力... 与平均 170 公斤的




-矩形储物柜,模块化和设计用于容纳 任何类型的支撑 + 集成瓶笼

-2 个内部杆架

-4 个手提把手(2 侧 + 2 端)

-可拆卸的舒适座椅。 (可选)

-220 厘米桨。



Big Mama sport and fishing kayak ... "TANCHERO" designed for your adventure at sea, lakes or rivers

The Tanchero stands out for its "look" from the streamlined, slender and ... Stupendous line.

A bow that cuts the water and a surprisingly accentuated V keel distinguish this canoe in its category, with a surprising quality / price ratio.

Ease of handling ... A Kayak with the highest levels of equipment, adjustable rear thimble (which, if you wish, can also not be mounted) controlled by pedals and integrated foot stretcher

Designed for everyone ... Two large lockers, one oval and one rectangular (the latter with the predisposition to screw various supports, such as depth sounder, gps and action camera)

Space ... Large rear load compartment, with alloy-laden belts to secure the contents to the kayak.

Load capacity ... with an increased capacity compared to the average 170 kg


- Pedal operated rudder and lateral rope closing systemadjustable foot stretcher

- Oval locker in the bow

- Rectangular locker, modular and designed to accommodate supports of any kind + integrated bottle cage

- 2 internal rod holders

- 4 carrying handles (2 side + 2 at the ends)

- Removable comfort seat. (optional)

- Paddle of 220 cm.

- Aft loading compartment with elastic bands for loading and emptying holes