全国: | 上海:
    构造 刚性
    应用项目 游览
    应用项目 海洋, 静水
    使用者 成人
    座位数量 单人
    材料 复合材料


Epsilon 是旅游经营者和租车队最畅销的系列。 这种稳定和可预测的工艺与各种各样的桨机一起工作。 方向舵,充足的甲板蹦极,以及甲板安全线的充分恭维,以最大限度地提高您的存储空间。

Boréal Design 在所有三个建筑中都投资了高品质的材料。 我们的舱壁安装是最可靠的。 Epsilon 可轻松调节的脚滑块,可容纳各种尺寸的桨片,无论是高还是短,最高可达 300 磅。Epsilon 是一款平稳、可预测和稳定的船艇。 即使在粗糙的水中,骑也相当干燥。 加载了几个星期,享受埃普西隆的速度。 只是一个愉快的皮划艇桨,同时能够依靠它的可靠性!

这款多功能系列有三种尺寸可供选择,可适用于任何尺寸的桨桨,并提供滚塑塑塑料、热成型 ABS 或复合材料。 请参见下表,了解每种尺寸的技术规格和桨轮重量范围。


The Epsilon is the top selling series for tour operators and rental fleets. This stable and predictable craft works with a wide variety of paddlers. A rudder, ample deck bungees, and a full compliment of deck safety lines are placed strategically to maximize your storage.

Boréal Design has invested in high quality materials in all three constructions. Our bulkhead installation is renowned as being the most reliable. With our easily adjustable foot sliders, the Epsilon accommodates a wide size range of paddlers, tall or short and up to 300 lbs. The Epsilon is a smooth, predictable and stable craft. Even in rougher water the ride is quite dry. Load up for a couple weeks and enjoy the speed of the Epsilon. Simply a delightful kayak to paddle while being able to count on its dependability!

This versatile series is available in three sizes – making it accessible to any sized paddler – and available in rotomolded plastic, thermoformed ABS or composite construction. See the table below for technical specifications and paddler weight range for each size.