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    构造 折叠
    应用项目 海洋
    使用者 成人
    座位数量 单人
    水平 专家级
    颜色 红色, 白色
    长度x宽度 505 cm (198.82 in)x58 cm (22.83 in)
    重量 22 kg (48.5 lb)
    最大板重 150 kg (331 lb)



在开发这款采用木质框架(白蜡木和桦木胶合板)的轻量级单人皮艇时,我们很清楚,这将是一款为具有雄心壮志的日常划桨者设计的皮艇。它应该是快速、坚硬和牢固的,这样从新手到专家的每一个划手都能感到轻松。基于这些考虑,我们设计了一种通常为刚性皮划艇保留的肋骨形状:一个略微圆润的V形。V字形允许高的主要稳定性,而圆弧形也确保了出色的次要稳定性。这种特殊的设计是由于在两边放置了空气管。它们 "拥抱 "着结构,使船体呈现出圆润的形状。



The navigator an innovative wood frame single kayak, which has set new standards in that market segment. Unlike most of the regular wood frame folding boats, the navigator fits in only one packing bag, weighs just 22 kg and has a very unique design.

While developing this lightweight single kayak with a wooden frame (white ash and birch plywood), it was clear, that it would be a kayak for the everyday paddler with ambition. It should be quick, stiff and solid, so that every paddler from novice to expert could feel at ease. Based on these considerations, we designed a shape of ribs that is normally reserved for rigid kayaks : a V-shape that slightly rounds up. The V-shape allows high primary stability whereas the rounded shape ensures an excellent secondary stability as well. This particular design is due to the placing of air tubes on both sides. They “embrace” the construction and gives the hull its rounded shape.

A second functional effect of this construction shape: only the keel applies directly pressure on the skin. And this part of the skin is especially reinforced and protected against abrasion by a very strong keel strip. All other parts of the skin are being kept at distance from the frame thanks for the air tubes. Hence the buffer effect: on those parts the skin cannot be easily damaged - unlike with the traditional constructions - because it can always yield a little. For the skin material we chose a mix of the long proven PVC-Polyurethane. PU remains quite flexible by low temperatures (better than PVC) and the UV-resistant material is more abrasion-proof than full PVC.