全国: | 上海:
    构造 刚性
    应用项目 钓鱼, 冲浪
    应用项目 海洋
    使用者 成人
    座位数量 单人
    水平 新手用
    材料 聚乙烯
    推动力模式 踏板操作
    颜色 红色, 天蓝色, 灰色
    长度x宽度 12'08" (3.87 m)x35 in
    重量 107 lb (48.53 kg)
    最大板重 450 lb (204 kg)


杰克逊皮艇以2022年全新的钓鱼平台征服了水面。介绍一下Knarr FD,这是一款100%针对海洋和大型湖泊所带来的挑战而设计的皮艇。带来了冲浪、水流、风、潮水和各种元素--这些都是我们设计的重点。


我们新的Flex Drive Mark IV(专利)是四年来不断进化的产物。最新版本的Flex Drive比以前更快、更安静、更耐用。

高大的炮台为鱼竿和齿轮提供了受保护的存储空间。新的 "庭院销售证明 "鱼竿管理系统能够将6根鱼竿固定在皮划艇的炮台内,使它们在发射、降落或不使用时保持安全。



杰克逊新的EZ Hi-lo(专利)座椅系统将舒适度提高到新的水平,并允许你用一只手提升和降低你的座椅。


Jackson Kayak conquers the water with a completely new fishing platform for 2022. Introducing the Knarr FD, a kayak 100% dialed in on the challenges presented by oceans and large lakes. Bring on the surf, current, wind, tide and the elements - these are the focus of our design.


Our new Flex Drive Mark IV (Patented) is the product of four years of constant evolution. The latest version of our amazing Flex Drive is faster, quieter and more durable than ever before. 

Tall gunnels provide protected gear storage for rods and gear. The new ‘yard sale proof’ rod management system is capable of securing 6 rods inside the kayak’s gunnels, keeping them safe through launching, landing or when not in use.

Featuring YakAttack's top-loading geometry, Jackson’s new TriTrak (Patented) factory-installed around the entirety of the boat, providing almost unlimited gearing solutions. Using the channels in the TriTrack, installing electronics and hiding the cables out of the way is a breeze. 

The bow and stern is designed with trolling and electric motor installation in mind. This is due to an adaptable four bolt pattern on the stern and a flattened, mountable area on the bow along with geometry to add foot controlled steering.

Jackson’s new EZ Hi-lo (Patented) seating system takes comfort to new levels and allows you to raise and lower your seat with one hand.