全国: | 上海:
    构造 刚性
    应用项目 探险, 野水
    应用项目 静水
    使用者 成人
    座位数量 单人
    水平 新手用
    材料 聚乙烯
    颜色 蓝色, 黄色
    长度x宽度 379 cm (149.21 in)x62 cm (24.41 in)
    重量 25 kg (55.12 lb)
    最大板重 54 kg, 136 kg (119 lb)



Stinger XP 代表了跨界设计的新水平。这种改变游戏规则的设计将其在比赛中独占鳌头的性能与其屡获殊荣的 Remix XP 设计的便利性和追踪性相结合。两者的结合为中级和资深船员提供了真正独一无二的比赛用远征皮艇。Stinger XP 的后舱门和弹簧式倾斜装置可确保其在满载露营装备进行平水和混合水流探险时的高效运作。

如果您的内径小于 32 英寸,请考虑在结账时将特定型号的 B-...te 添加到购物车并使用代码 FREEB...TE,即可免费获得一块蓝头板。更大的 B 型板将取代原有的 B 型板,让您的皮艇更加舒适。B-...te 可在我们在线商店的配件部分找到。


Crossover designs have established a huge following in the world of paddling over the last five years becoming the fastest growing segment in whitewater.

The Stinger XP represents the next level in Crossover design. This game changing design combines the performance of its race-dominating sibling with the convenience and tracking of our award winning Remix XP design. The combination provides a truly one of a kind race ready expedition kayak for intermediates and seasoned boaters alike. The Stinger XP's back hatch and spring-loaded skeg ensure it functions efficiently when loaded to the gills with camping gear for flatwater and mixed current expeditions.

If your inseam is less than 32 inches, consider getting a FREE Blukhead Plate at checkout by adding the model specific B-Plate to your cart and using code FREEBPLATE. The larger B-Plate will replace the stock B-Plate giving you a better fit in your kayak. The B-Plate can be found under the Parts section in our online store.