全国: | 上海:
    构造 刚性
    应用项目 竞赛
    应用项目 激流
    使用者 成人
    座位数量 单人


“Gangsta, 和歌皮划艇第四白水皮艇, 不仅在赛车, 但在白水的各个方面设置了新的标准. 在 273 厘米,帮派比它的前身金枪鱼长,给它堆更多的速度在所有类型的水。 但随着长度来缺乏机动性的权利? 错了! 即使在快速下游充电时,Gangsta 也能毫不费力地引导和纠正,同时移动和脱落。 弓形摇杆是不可阻挡的,允许用户轻松地保持在每一个功能的顶部,从而保持头部干燥一直沿着河流。 额外的长度、体积和空间最终为更大的桨手提供了加入 Waka 革命的机会,并理解为什么这么多的船手转而采用这些猕猴桃设计。 虽然这是一艘适合 200 磅/100 公斤以上的大型船,但即使是更轻的桨(我重 160 磅/73 公斤)也可以过渡到使用 Gangsta 作为他们的日常船。 这艘船是 Waka 过去设计的完美融合。 金枪鱼 1 的弓的幸福和稳定性,再加上金枪鱼 2 的速度和线精度。 这是一个没有脑子。 对我来说,这是令人难以置信的容易坐在这艘船舒适,感到自信和准备桨困难的白水。 我想要一个有趣,快速,反应灵敏的皮艇,并允许我进步我的划桨。 黑帮是一个完整的机器。 我完全相信,这种设计将允许所有类型的桨手推动他们的速度,风格和他们桨的白水的难度。 虽然大多数其他公司仍在努力追赶并制作自己的金枪鱼,但 Waka 只是加强了力度,并设置了更高的标准!”


“The Gangsta, Waka Kayaks fourth whitewater kayak, is setting a new standard not only in racing, but in all aspects of whitewater. Measuring in at 273 centimeters, the Gangsta is longer than its predecessor the Tuna, giving it heaps more speed in all types of water. But with length comes a lack of maneuverability right? Wrong! The Gangsta is effortless to steer and correct even while charging fast downstream, while moving in and out of eddies, and going off drops. The bow rocker is unstoppable and allows the user to easily stay on top of every feature to remain head-dry all the way down the river. The extra length, volume, and space finally gives larger paddlers the opportunity to join the Waka revolution and understand why so many boaters are switching over to these Kiwi designs. While it is a big boat suiting paddlers over 200lbs/100kg, even lighter paddlers (I weigh 160lbs/73kg) can transition into using the Gangsta as their everyday boat. This boat is a perfect blend of Waka’s past designs. You have the bow happiness and stability everyone loved in the Tuna 1, plus the speed and line precision of the Tuna 2. It’s a no brainer. For me, it was incredibly easy to sit in this boat comfortably and to feel confident and ready to paddle difficult whitewater. I want a kayak that’s fun, fast, responsive, and allows me to progress my paddling. The Gangsta is a total machine. I have complete faith that this design will allow all types of paddlers to push their speed, style, and the difficulty of the whitewater they paddle. While most other companies are still trying to catch up and make their Tuna, Waka just stepped up and set the bar higher!”