全国: | 上海:
    构造 刚性
    应用项目 海洋, 激流
    使用者 成人
    座位数量 单人
    材料 聚乙烯


“ 在CoreLite x,P&H德尔芬150为要小的桨手提供真实地令人喜欢的表现承担大水。

CoreLite x是在市场上的最僵硬,最轻和最耐久的三明治层数聚乙烯建筑和引人注目地提高德尔芬的进步船身设计,导致塑料海皮船的史无前例的手巧和使您立即感到更加娴熟在水。



您不必须是赞赏什么的专家德尔芬必须虽则提供;在中央部位的平的船身外形提供启发主要稳定的信心,并且被摆正的船尾增加小船的有效的水线并且允诺,当今后用浆划,保证您有足够的直线速度跟上在短小对中间长的expeditions. \ /html”


In CoreLite X, the P&H Delphin 150 offers truly exhilarating performance to small paddlers wanting to take on big water.

CoreLite X is the stiffest, lightest and most durable sandwich layer polyethylene construction on the market and noticeably enhances the Delphin’s progressive hull design, producing unprecedented dexterity for a plastic sea kayak and making you feel instantly more adept on the water.

In both appearance and performance, the P&H Delphin is entirely unique; over 45 years of Pyranha whitewater kayak innovation, infused with P&H’s design heritage that dates back to 1968 has produced a sea kayak that river paddlers looking to expand their horizons will feel instantly at home in, and that allows experienced seafarers to rediscover and build upon the same excitement felt when they first took to the waves.

The Delphin’s cockpit has been positioned further back than in traditional sea kayak design, giving a fine balance that, in combination with the progressive bow rocker, leaves the front of the boat just kissing the water, resulting in superb manoeuvrability and excellent positioning when riding even the steepest of waves.

You don’t have to be an expert to appreciate what the Delphin has to offer though; a flat hull profile at the mid-section provides confidence inspiring primary stability, and the squared-off stern increases the boat’s effective waterline and engages when forward paddling, ensuring you have enough straight line speed to keep up on short to mid-length expeditions.