全国: | 上海:
    构造 刚性
    应用项目 游览
    应用项目 激流
    使用者 成人
    座位数量 单人
    水平 新手用
    材料 聚乙烯
    颜色 蓝色, 黄色


人们常说,皮划艇的设计存在差距,没有一种皮划艇在白水方面表现出色,但又能在平坦平静的湖泊和缓慢流动的河流中保持速度。Remix XP的设计是为了一劳永逸地弥补这两者之间的差距。

Remix XP是我们广受欢迎的River Runner系列的延伸,虽然它的根基扎在白水里,但XP的水线延长使它可以轻松地巡航平地。XP有一个完整的滑轮,展开后可以提供极好的跟踪性,但如果把滑轮收起来,XP就可以提供在白水中出类拔萃所需的敏捷性。




It is often said that there is gap in kayak design, that no 'one' kayak excels in whitewater yet carries speed across flat calm lakes and slow moving rivers' that is until now. The Remix XP was designed to bridge the gap between the two once and for all.

The Remix XP is an extension of our popular river runner series and although its roots are firmly planted in whitewater the XP's extended waterline allows it to cruise the flats with ease. The XP has an integral skeg which when deployed offers superb tracking but with the skeg tucked away the XP offers the agility needed to excel on whitewater.

How did we do it?

This first challenge was to make it whitewater friendly for everyone taking special notice to beginners looking at venturing out for the first time and for intermediate and expert paddlers desiring to camp out of their kayak. By adding additional width to the hull we achieved the stability we wanted even when loaded to the gills with camping gear. The next challenge was speed and tracking for the folks that would use it primarily on lakes and calm rivers and as we all know whitewater boats just don't want to go straight on flatwater and will tend to veer right or left. Speed was achieved by extending the length and waterline of the XP and by dropping the rocker profile slightly which allows it to really cut through the flats. Now we had to fix that nagging veer, by adding a spring loaded skeg (don't worry the spring is made from stainless steel) to the stern that annoying veer was immediately gone for good and paddling across vast sections of flatwater became a no brainer.