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EngineeringThe exceptional quality of Hydrobikes is evident in every feature. They are geared for high-peformance and low maintenance. You will be amazed at how little effort it takes to pedal on a lake, river, or ocean with this water bike.From its stability to its high visibility on the water, the Hydrobike is engineered for a safe, reliable ride.The Hydro-bike's pontoons were scientifically developed by a professional canoe designer for optimum buoyancy, speed, and maneuverability. That means you will have a smooth ride even in very choppy water.Stable enough to dive from, the Hydro-bike can also handle rough water conditions, including five foot ocean swells.Fits in most mini-vans and SUV's. One person can assemble and disassemble the Hydrobike in minutes, with out any tools.PropulsionFast performance: This is no slow paddle boat. The Hydrobike's computer-designed propulsion system features a 90% efficient propeller which allows you to achieve cruise speeds of 4-6 mph with minimum effort.High-performance: The lower drive train is sealed water-tight, providing protection even in salty seawater. The chain uses environmentally friendly lubricants.Quiet performance: The Hydro-bike is engineered for silence. It won't disturb wildlife habitats- or fishing holes.