全国: | 上海:
    应用 全方位
    使用者 成人
    颜色 橙色
    座位数量 一人座
    材料 碳纤
    其他特性 水翼
    容量 最多: 110 l (29 gal)
    容量 最少: 81 l (21 gal)
    重量 4.3 kg, 4.5 kg, 4.7 kg, 5.1 kg, 5.6 kg (9.48 lb)
    长度 198.1 cm, 205.7 cm, 213.4 cm, 223.5 cm, 243.8 cm (77.99 in)


使用 F-ONE 的新型 ROCKET SUP DW PRO 碳纤板,体验顺风的刺激和自由。得益于其优化的流线型设计和碳纤维结构,您可以比以往任何时候都更快地站上冲浪板,体验连续数小时在浪尖上飞翔的纯粹快乐。






ROCKET SUP DW PRO CARBON 的设计旨在最大限度地减少阻力,并促进在任何情况下,无论是平坦的水域还是开阔的海洋颠簸,都能尽早、高效地起飞。


有了 ROCKET SUP DW PRO CARBON,您可以高效地划桨,以难以置信的速度轻松上岸,同时还能从出色的稳定性中获益。体积的分布使骑手的划水姿势非常接近飞行姿势,并最大限度地减少脚部和姿势的变化。前后腿之间的平衡性极佳,让你在起飞前和起飞阶段都能在前腿上施加恰到好处的力量,而不会让冲浪板向下俯冲。


Experience the stoke and freedom of downwinders with F-ONE’s new ROCKET SUP DW PRO CARBON board. Thanks to its optimized sleek design and carbon construction, get up on your foil faster than ever and experience the pure bliss of flying above the swell for hours on end.

Incredibly efficient and fast take-offs

Superb stability at all times

Immense glide and speed

Controlled front/back leg balance

Control and maneuverability even at high speeds

The ROCKET SUP DW PRO CARBON was designed to minimize drag and to promote early and efficient take-offs in any conditions, whether it’s flat waters or big open ocean bumps.

This board benefits from the best compromise between length, width and volume so as to remain accessible to the highest number of riders. Its long and narrow shape brings fantastic glide and high speed for paddle starts, while its boxy rails lead to great stability.

With the ROCKET SUP DW PRO CARBON, paddle efficiently and get onto foil easily and unbelievably fast all while benefitting from great stability. Volume is distributed to keep the rider’s paddling position very close to the flying position and to minimize changes in the feet and stance. The balance between the front and back leg is excellent, allowing you to put just the right amount of power on the front leg before and during the take-off phase without the board ever nose diving.