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由Crystal Kayak Company的视觉Board™将给您在没有其他可膨胀的一口可能匹配的水的难以置信的经验。我们的完全独特的观察孔允许桨手看下面水下的世界。它也是拿着的我们水下的LED光伟大的隔间。


这包裹包括1视觉板(一口) 1旅行包,1泵浦,1桨,1飞翅,和1 repair修理工具包。

以有背包皮带的一豪华旅行包为特色和适于吸入的滤网、双重行动高压/大容积泵浦、轻量级可折叠铝桨和可移动的飞翅视觉委员会10ft可膨胀的Paddleboard (一口)是肯定留下印象在水。


膨胀它开始考虑大约5分钟的视觉委员会典型地需要8分钟然后,一旦您熟悉过程。铺开有面朝上泵浦的连接的委员会,插入水管并且转动锁入地方,开始膨胀。当膨胀时,重要做泵浦肯定附有“”边。“”边为取消空气使用泵浦。观看测量仪和泵浦对是期望的刚硬肯定不去在最大PSi 5。


The Vision Board™ by The Crystal Kayak Company will give you an incredible experience on the water that no other inflatable SUP can match. Our totally unique viewing window allows paddlers to see the underwater world below. It also is a GREAT compartment for holding our underwater LED lights.

The Crystal Kayak Company's Vision Boards were born on the waterways and lakes of Southern Florida by designers who have a true passion for stand-up paddleboarding and the performance of our products on the water are proof of this commitment.

This package includes 1 Vision Board (SUP) 1 Travel Bag, 1 Pump, 1 Paddle, 1 Fin, and 1 Repair Kit.

Featuring a Deluxe Travel Bag with Backpack Straps and Breathable Mesh, Dual Action High Pressure / High Volume Pump, Lightweight Collapsible Aluminum Paddle, and Removable Fin The Vision Board 10ft Inflatable Paddleboard (SUP) is sure to make an impression on the water.

Our SUP's are great for water sport rental companies, vacation homes, individual enthusiasts as well as travel enthusiasts.

Inflating The Vision Board typically takes 8 minutes and then once you're familiar with the process it gets down to around 5 minutes. Simply roll out the board with the pump connection face up, insert the hose and turn to lock into place, begin inflating. Important-make sure the pump is attached to the "out" side when inflating. As the "in" side is for removing the air using the pump. Watch the gauge and pump to desired firmness being sure to not go over the maximum PSi of 5.