全国: | 上海:
    构造 充气
    应用 全方位, 休闲, 用于健身
    使用者 成人
    其他特性 带划船工具
    长度 13'04" (4.08 m)


Oar Board® SUP Rower

ADVENTURE ROW 13'4 SUP带特殊的Oar Board®附件甲板环



一对Kwik Loc甲板绑带


Wheelie Bag SUP背包

Oar Board®轮式旅行袋

Adventure Row 13'4″是一款高性能的划船桨板,受到全世界船主的喜爱。用Oar Board®划船的感觉很好,使它成为完美的健身划船机。在平静的水面上享受平稳的划船,它也能轻松地处理风和浪。是探索当地水域的完美选择,或者飞往异国他乡,把整套设备作为行李带去。你可以用绑在前甲板上的干袋携带野营装备、衣服和食物。甚至可以带上宠物或孩子,因为它有475磅或215公斤的超强负载能力。32英寸的宽度提供了出色的稳定性。无论何时何地,只要你想,就可以划船或划桨。

Adventure Row 13'4 "具有特别设计的甲板带环,使安装或拆除Oar Board®变得快速而简单。绑带固定在这些环上,不必全部穿过冲浪板,消除了阻力。



Oar Board® SUP Rower

ADVENTURE ROW 13’4 SUP with special Oar Board® attachment deck rings

Pair Carbon Fiber Two Part Sculling Oars

One Adjustable Length Carbon Fiber Standup Paddle

Pair of Kwik Loc Deck Straps

Two Stage Inflation Pump

Wheelie Bag SUP Backpack

Oar Board® Wheelie Travel Bag

The Adventure Row 13’4″ is a high-performance rowing paddle board loved by owners worldwide. It feels great to row with the Oar Board® making it a perfect fitness sculling machine. Enjoy smooth rowing in calm water and it also handles wind and waves with ease. Perfect for exploring local waters, or flying off to and exotic location bringing the complete package along as baggage. You can carry camping gear, clothes and food in dry bags strapped to the foredeck. Or even bring a pet or kid along due to its super load capacity of 475lb or 215kg. The 32” width offers excellent stability. Row or paddle wherever you want, whenever you want.

The Adventure Row 13’4″ features specially designed deck strap rings that make mounting or removing the Oar Board® fast and easy. The straps fasten on these rings and do not have to pass all the way around the board, eliminating drag.

An added feature on this model is a third set of deck rings located far enough back to mount the Oar Board® on the rear deck making room to stand-up paddle and also carry camping gear on the front deck.