全国: | 上海:
    构造 充气
    应用 全方位
    水平 新手用
    使用者 成人
    座位数量 一人座
    材料 PVC
    容量 200 l, 250 l (53 gal)
    重量 70 kg, 80 kg (154.32 lb)
    长度 2.75 m, 3 m (9'00")



(1) 大背包,带有新的额外的舒适的软垫肩带

(2) BRAVO最优质的打气筒(型号4),具有双/单动作模式,用于快速和舒适的充气。因为打气筒可以做到2bar(30psi),有一个符合人体工程学的手柄和脚踏板,很容易达到建议的1bar(15psi)的压力。

(3) 英文和德文手册,包括设置、维护、技术和安全提示。

(4) 单一的滑块,无需工具或螺丝即可轻松使用

(5) 保护条,使翅片盒在卷起时也能保持直线状态

(6) 扳手,用于每年一次拧紧阀门



(1) 最优质的超硬缝线芯

(2) 超强的防水布甲板

(3) 超强的防水布底部

(4) 第一层导轨带

(5) 第二层轨道带

(6) 紫外线-阳光保护涂层

(7) 拉丝EVA钻石槽甲板垫

(8) 179K ZEBEC市场上最好的胶水

(9) 在德国标准的工厂生产

(10) 除了工厂检查,FIT OCEAN还对每块板做了额外的100%检查

(11) 3年保修的防漏板 (12) PVC防水布材料符合欧盟的REACH卫生法规。


Looking closely the nose of the board is wide and the tail is narrow. This shape gives short boards, such as the MALIBU the stability and let it track in a straight line. In contrast to other brands with short boards with a pointy nose which are wobbly and cant track in a straight line. Because of the great shape of the MALIBU, only one fin underneath is more than sufficient for stability and tracking.

(1) Large backpack with new extra comfortable padded straps

(2) Best quality pump by BRAVO (model 4) with double/ single action modus for fast and comfortable inflation. Because the pump can do 2 bar (30 psi), has an ergonomic handle and footrest, it is easy to reach the recommended pressure of 1 bar (15 psi).

(3) English and german manual with set-up, maintenance, technic and safety tips

(4) Single slidefin easy to use without tools or screw

(5) Protection strip so finbox stays straight also when board is rolled-up

(6) Spanner to tighten your valve once a year

(7) and/or leash (8) Depending which package you choose to buy the boards comes with a paddle

(1) Best quality ultra stiff drop stitch core

(2) Extra strong Tarpaulin Deck

(3) Extra strong Tarpaulin Bottom

(4) First layer railband

(5) Second layer railband

(6) UV-sunlight protection coating

(7) Brushed EVA diamond groove deckpad

(8) 179K ZEBEC best glue on the market

(9) Produced in a factory with German standards

(10) Besides factory checks, FIT OCEAN does an additional 100% check on each board

(11) 3 years warranty leakproof Board (12) PVC Tarpaulin material conform the EU’s REACH health regulations