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当Namaste被开发了志向是采取一口瑜伽更加进一步的和真实捕捉瑜伽的精神。 我们小心地听我们的paddleboard和瑜伽社区的经验并且配对了那以我们自己的设计专门技术。 结果是Namaste,明确地设计为瑜伽和健身活动。 它是有一点更短和更宽一些的英寸增加它的稳定。 它用停住和附有的桨皮带装备。 当移动沿委员会时,冲的甲板报道委员会的最大面积允许好夹子和灵活性。 并且,我们未减弱用浆划的质量。 它是消遣用浆划的一个优秀板相似与活跃系列。

所有Kona可膨胀的明轮轮叶(一口)来与背包和容易处理泵浦膨胀委员会。 Kona为三件一套和高技术碳桨也提供从基本的模型的各种各样的桨。


When Namaste was developed the ambition was to take paddle board yoga one step further and truly capture the spirit of yoga. We carefully listened to the experiences of our paddleboard and yoga community and paired that with our own design expertise. The result was Namaste,specifically designed for yoga and fitness activities. Since its introduction it has become a favorite among many yogis and yoginis thanks to its outstanding quality and unique design. It is equipped with straps for anchoring and attachingthe paddle. The brushed deck covers a maximum area of the board to allow good grip and flexibility when moving along the board. And, we have not compromised the paddling qualities. It is an excellent board for recreational paddling similar to the Active-series.

All Kona inflatable paddle boards (SUPs) come with a backpack and an easy to handle pump to inflate the board. Kona also offers a wide variety of paddles from basic models to three piece and high-tech carbon paddles.