全国: | 上海:
    构造 充气
    应用 全方位, 游览
    水平 中间
    使用者 成人
    颜色 彩色
    座位数量 一人座
    材料 PVC


Lifetime Vista充气式桨板是所有年龄和技能水平的完美选择。有了Lifetime Vista桨板,您可以在平静的海洋海湾或安静的湖泊中享受一天的划行。这款桨板的设计考虑到了稳定性和性能,使它对入门级的桨手来说平易近人,而对中级桨手来说性能良好。这款桨板采用PVC落针式结构,利用坚固的空气芯,使其坚硬、耐用、轻便。这款桨板便于储存,并可通过其自身的背包轻松运输。桨、打气筒、可拆卸的鳍和维修工具都包含在这个包装中,使其可以立即使用。有了Lifetime Vista充气桨板,你就可以和你的朋友和家人一起享受冒险了。


The Lifetime Vista Inflatable Paddleboard is the perfect option for all ages and skill levels. With the Lifetime Vista Paddleboard, you can enjoy a day paddling through a calm ocean bay or quiet lake. This paddleboard was designed with stability and performance in mind, making it approachable for entry level paddlers while performing well for intermediate paddlers. Using PVC drop stitch construction, this paddleboard utilizes a sturdy air core, which makes it rigid, durable, and lightweight. The paddleboard is convenient to store and easy to transport with its very own backpack. A paddle, pump, removable fin, and repair kit are all included in this package making it ready for immediate use. With the Lifetime Vista Inflatable Paddleboard, you’ll be ready to enjoy an adventure with your friends and family.