全国: | 上海:
    构造 充气
    应用 游览, 冲浪
    使用者 成人
    颜色 彩色
    座位数量 一人座
    材料 PVC
    容量 254 l (67 gal)
    重量 14 kg (30.86 lb)
    长度 381 cm (150 in)



海鹰的NeedleNose 126提供了一个更大的稳定平台,增加了浮力、刚度和更多的稳定性!NN126比它的小姐妹NN116大,但比它的大哥NN14小--NN126把你放在了中间位置。所以你可以得到两个世界中最好的东西!



获得专利的NeedleNose™ iSUPs是迄今为止世界上最好的跟踪iSUPs!能够在大量的环境条件下执行,而其他充气艇则不敢这样做获得刚性冲浪板的性能和充气式冲浪板的便利性,以及更多的好处

这些iSUPs被恰当地命名为NeedleNose™,其特点是具有专利的剃刀般锋利的刺破波浪的船头,使您能够穿过风、波浪、水流和水。这是其他iSUP所不能提供的。优雅的弧形旅行形状与直线无转弯的船体设计,使您可以通过1、2、3档的站立位置来定制您的技能和性能水平(见视频)。菱形图案的甲板垫使你的脚更容易受到影响,尾部有一个踢脚,可以在一秒钟内旋转和踢脚!这些特点使NeedleNose™ iSUPs成为世界上最快、最时尚、最好的充气SUPs!


Now featuring a New Full Length Electric Pattern Diamond Deck EVA Foam Pad, convenient built-in paddle saving PaddlePocket™ holder and a low profile slide in Swept Back Skeg! This is the world's best tracking inflatable SUP ever!

Sea Eagle's NeedleNose 126 offers an even larger stable platform with increased floatation, rigidity and even more stability! Larger than its little sister the NN116 but smaller than its big brother the NN14 - the NN126 puts you right smack in the middle. So you get the best of both worlds!

Breakthrough Design features: straight-line hull, patented wave piercing bow, touring shape, NEW FULL LENGTH ELECTRIC PATTERN DIAMOND DECK PAD with custom performance kick tail and the ability to paddle faster, further and easier!

About the NeedleNose™ Series

The patented NeedleNose™ iSUPs are by far the best tracking iSUPs in the world! Able to perform in a vast array of environmental conditions where other inflatables wouldn't dare! Get the performance of a rigid board plus the convenience of an inflatable and more!

Aptly named NeedleNose™ these iSUPs feature a patented razor sharp, wave piercing bow that allows you to slice through the wind, waves, current and water. Something that no other iSUP can offer. The elegant curved touring shape with a straight-line NO UPTURN hull design enables you to customize your skill and performance levels with 1st, 2nd and 3rd gear standing locations (see video). A diamond patterned deck pad is easier on your feet with a kick tail that allows pivot and kick turning on a dime! These features make the NeedleNose™ iSUPs the fastest, sleekest, best inflatable SUPs in the world!