全国: | 上海:
    构造 充气
    应用 全方位
    颜色 彩色, 蓝色
    座位数量 一人座
    材料 PVC
    长度 11'00" (3.35 m)


WOW的Genesis SUP是一个6Ó厚的充气式站立桨板,有一个新的内置杯架,非常适合放置你的饮料,甚至是我们的WOW-SOUND扬声器。充气桨板比硬板有巨大的优势,因为它们的存储空间小,容易携带,而且整体耐用。这款桨板的重量约为30磅,放气后可以放在附带的背包里携带,可以轻松地放在小汽车的后备箱里。这款桨板也非常耐用,因为它是由军用级别的落地缝制材料制成的,还有一层重型PVC。当正确充气到15PSI时,它可以被300磅以下的骑手使用而没有任何明显的弯曲。SUP BOARD桨板配有一个可调节的3件套桨,3件套鳍,带压力表的高压手泵,阀门扳手和维修工具,以及一个定制的背包。有1年的保修期。


The Genesis SUP from WOW is a 6Ó thick inflatable stand-up paddleboard with a NEW Built-in Cupholder PERFECT for holding your beverage, or even our WOW-SOUND Speakers. Inflatable paddleboards offer huge advantages over hard boards because of their small storage footprint, easy portability, and overall durability. This paddleboard weighs about 30lbs and, when deflated, can be put in the included backpack for carrying and can easily fit in the trunk of a small car. The paddleboard is also extremely durable because it is made from military-grade drop stitch material with an extra layer of heavy-duty PVC. When inflated properly to 15 PSI, it can be used by a rider up to 300lbs without any noticeable flex. The SUP BOARD paddleboard comes with an adjustable 3-piece paddle, 3-piece fin set, high-pressure hand pump with pressure gauge, valve wrench and repair kit, as well as a customized backpack. Backed by a 1-year warranty.