全国: | 上海:
    供电 电池驱动
    其他特性 电动, 无线控制
    长度 1.32 m, 1.55 m, 1.73 m, 1.8 m (4'03")
    宽度 68 cm, 71 cm, 73 cm, 79 cm (27 in)
    燃料容量 65 l, 79 l, 94 l, 109 l (17 gal)


经过两年的研究和开发,我们很高兴地向您介绍我们的 E-Foil。在这个项目中:超过一小时的自主飞行时间(取决于您的体型)、在水面上自由飞行的感觉以及令人不安的轻松感。所有这一切都在安全的情况下进行,而且几乎无声无息。


泡桐 E 箔是两年研发的成果。在我们的车间里,100% 的法国工程设计、组装和售后服务都得到了充分保证。

该板得益于Redwoodpaddle的经验和工程技术:HD EPS面包、PVC结构+双泡桐夹层。这款冲浪板强度超高,重量却很轻。双层船体的形状使其更易于飞行。

防水遥控器有 3 种易于设置的飞行模式,让您按照自己的节奏学习。



After two years of research and development, we are pleased to present you our E-Foil. On the program: more than an hour of autonomy (depending on your size), a sensation of free flight over the water surface and a disconcerting ease. All this in safety and almost silently.

The choice of board and kite size will depend on your size, experience and level of playability. Detailed explanations are given in the video presentation below and we are always available for personal advice.

The Paulownia E-Foil is the result of two years of research and development. A 100% French engineering, assembly and after-sales service is fully ensured in our workshops.

The board benefits from Redwoodpaddle's experience and engineering: HD EPS bread, PVC construction + double Paulownia sandwich. This board is ultra strong yet lightweight. The shape benefits from a double hull for easier flying.

The waterproof remote control has 3 easy to set up flight modes that allow you to learn at your own pace.

We have not skimped on safety with a magnetic leash cut-off switch that will cut all power to the machine in the event of a fall, thus protecting the user by making it impossible to injure the propeller.