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Belassi 个人船舶的自然环境是各种形式的可骑水。 特别是挑战的波成为主要概念和灵感的命名为 Burrasca,这是意大利的名字风暴 — 表达的一个不屈不挠的力量的性质,传达的情绪和深刻的想法。

积极,坚韧,自信,优雅,独特的风格,Burrasca 是研究和注重细节的结果,在骑行时提供高性能和兴奋。

要把我们的 Burrasca 制作的超过 2000 件作品放在一起,需要大量的...和创造力。 就像莱昂纳多·达芬奇曾经说过的:“艺术应与科学一起走”,因此,在贝拉西,我们所有的单位仍然是一个接一个的人工组装,但得到了最新的技术和专业知识的支持。


我们喜欢发动机的轰鸣声, 我们盯着船体的细节, 我们每天测试 PWC 在水面上的改进。

当 Burrasca 交付时,它不只是一个销售的产品,它感觉就像生下一些东西,会给主人的 5 感官带来情绪。



For your experience

over the limit.

The natural environment of Belassi personal watercraft is the ridable water in all its forms. Especially the challenge of the waves became the main concept and inspiration of the naming for Burrasca, which is the Italian name for Storm – the expression of an indomitable force of nature that conveys emotions and deep thoughts.

Aggressive, tough, self-confident, elegant, unique in its style, Burrasca is the result of research and attention to details, to provide high performance and excitement while riding it.

To put together over 2000 pieces which our Burrasca is made of, needs a lot of passion and creativity. Just like Leonardo da Vinci once said: “Art should walk alongside the Science”, hence, in Belassi, all our units are still hand-assembled one by one, but with the support of the latest technology and expertise.

he heart of our new hull

We enjoy the roar of the engine, we stare at the details of the hull, we daily test the improvements of the PWC on water.

When a Burrasca is delivered, it’s not just a sold product, it feels like giving birth to something that will give emotions to the 5 senses of the owner. Our customers feel the power in their hands, hear the roar while they are riding the waves, and enjoy the beautiful design with their eyes.