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Sabike 是一款便携式水上自行车,具有创新性、紧凑性和易于使用的水上自行车,可以让潜水者、浮潜者和游泳者无缝穿过大海。

BIKE 专为在水面游泳和潜水而设计,允许海洋探险者用最小的努力在几公里的水中滑行,节省能源和空气。更快、更少的游泳活动意味着更宽阔的探险半径和更多的时间花在欣赏水下美食。

适合所有年龄段的冒险之旅,可根据 155-195 厘米的不同高度进行调整。

凭借紧凑的设计和轻巧的框架,Sabike 易于运输和储存。适用于新鲜水和海水,并在最苛刻的条件下经过安全检查,Sabike 是任何水上冒险的完美伴侣。

标称模式可以在 3.6 公里/小时的水中运动,对于寻求速度的人来说,SabiKE 可以达到 7.9 公里/小时的最大速度,比正常的游泳速度甚至是鳍形辅助游泳速度快得多。

方便、有趣且无风险,Sabike 是为您提供水上活动的完美方式。


Innovative, compact and easy to use, the SEABIKE is a portable water bike that propels divers, snorkelers and swimmers seamlessly through the sea.

Designed for swimming on the water surface and diving, the SEABIKE allows sea-explorers to glide through several kilometers of water using minimal effort, saving energy and air. Faster and less-intensive swimming means a wider expedition radius and more time spent appreciating the underwater delights.

Suitable for adventures of all ages, the SEABIKE can be adjusted for different heights ranging from 155-195cm.

With its compact design and lightweight frame, the SEABIKE is easy to transport and store. Suitable for both fresh- and seawater, and safety-checked under the most demanding of conditions, the SEABIKE is the perfect accompaniment for any aquatic adventure.

The nominal mode enables motion through the water at 3.6 km/h, and for speed-seekers, the SEABIKE can reach a maximum of 7.9 km/h – much faster than normal swimming speeds or even flipper-assisted swimming.

Convenient, fun and risk-free, the SEABIKE is the perfect way to spruce up any water activity.