全国: | 上海:
    发动机类型 舷外
    船体类型 半硬式
    甲板布局 骑乘式控制台
    人数 最多容纳 8 人
    甲板布置 保护栏杆
    长度 5.85 m(19'02" )


Solent肋骨585是一条优秀第一次小船。 它执行象6.5m与135hp船外引擎。 这块肋骨是容易驾驶和处理和足够小存放在一个标准车库。
在从我们的顾客的正面反馈以后我们介绍了Solent肋骨585。 我们想修造有表现和650一样的肋骨,但是为拖曳和存放是实用。 SR585比SR600狭窄和,因此它真正地将产生变化,如果空间是问题。 然而我们开发了肋骨,以便它在表现或它处理的能力不妥协。
水星60hp 4 -抚摸肋骨测试了在35mph或与水星75hp 4冲程45mph
商业训练SR585为RYA设计作为专家教练的小船。 与在与移动在国家周围的航行充气救生艇的一辆拖车使小船被运输的Yamaha F60 EFI的充分地被装配的肋骨只称500公斤。 它可以容易地被拖曳以与一个非营运汽车的舒适的速度例如Volvo庄园。 这块肋骨激发在留下深刻印象对Solent深V船身的特征的RYA训练教练之中的很多兴趣。 它被称赞了它干燥操作和好处理。 装配与Yamaha F60hp EFI肋骨可能移动在30knots。


The Solent Rib 585 is an excellent first time boat. It performs like a 6.5m with 135hp outboard engine. This rib is easy to drive and handle and small enough to store in a standard garage.

Following positive feedback from our customers we have introduced the Solent Rib 585. We wanted to build a rib that had the same performance as the 650 but was more practical for towing and storing. The SR585 is narrower than the SR600 and so it really will make a difference if space is an issue. However we have developed the rib so that it does not compromise on performance or its handling abilities.

With a Mercury 60hp 4 -stroke the rib has tested at 35mph or with a Mercury 75hp 4 stroke 45mph

The commercial training SR585 was designed for the RYA as a specialist coaching boat. The fully rigged rib with a Yamaha F60 EFI only weighs 500 kilos which enables the boat to be transported on a trailer with sailing dinghies traveling around the country. It can be easily towed at a
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comfortable speed with a non commercial car such as a Volvo estate. This rib has sparked a lot of interest amongst the RYA training coaches who have been impressed with the characteristics of the Solent deep V hull. It has been praised for its dry operation and good handling. Rigged with the Yamaha F60hp EFI the rib can travel at 30knots.